Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 25 -- Saturday May 17 & Sunday May 18

Week 25 -- Saturday May 17 & Sunday May 18

I woke up super early and the intolerable back pain was gone... just like magic! WOW!

While I was still half asleep, Joe gave me my wedding anniversary present! A card and a black pearl necklace! I googled gift ideas on first year wedding anniversary a few weeks ago. Traditional gift is paper. Modern gift is clock. Ok... I can't simply go to Staples and buy Joe stacks of printer paper right? As for clock... as much as Joe needs a new alarm clock (his is dying... which is a good thing as it translates to no more Chez 106.1!!!!!!!), I could not bring myself to get him a clock as a gift. In the Chinese culture, it is considered casting a curse on the recipient by presenting him/her a clock! So, I settled for a card, an i-Tune gift card and my wedding vow (if I was allowed to write my own wedding vow on our wedding day!) I started working on the wedding vow about three weeks ago... and I had given a lot of thoughts into it.

Joe and I had been through a lot during our first year of marriage. I had surgery last July. My grandmother passed away in mid August. Joe had heart surgery in late August. My uncle passed away in mid November. I got pregnant in mid November. Issues with Joe's family in March, and I almost lost our baby because of the idiotic threats and harassment from Joe's sister. Joe stood up for me and defended me against his family. This past year was not a fun ride for Joe and I. However, through all these incidents, Joe and I have found strength in our marriage. Our faith in our marriage have grown. Our love for each other have strengthened. Today, we stand united as a couple that no one can shatter.

We went to Prince Edward Country for our mini romantic getaway. We booked ourselves into the Inn at Huff Estate Winery. It was a relaxing weekend and we did not really have set schedule. We had breakfast in Merrickville.

From Drop Box

We spent the entire afternoon strolling on the Main Street in Picton. We went to Miss Lily's Cafe for coffee and biscotti and we played a round of Backgammon. It was my first time playing this game and Joe is great teacher.

We stayed at the Inn @ Huff Estate and it was a very neat hotel!

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

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