Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 25 Monday May 11

Week 25 -- Monday May 11

Ultrasound at 9am. Joe was tied up with meetings at work. So I went by myself. I had an ultrasound when I was 20 weeks. Baby was laying on her stomach, so we did not get a chance to see her face. My OB / GYN thus ordered another ultrasound so that we could see her face and make sure the face structure is ok. So I went in with my fingers crossed that she would cooperate this time.

Little did I know that Baby Bethany had her own little plan. This time, she was not laying on her stomach. Instead, she had her legs and arms on her face, and she was only showing her face enough for the technican to confirm that she does not have cleft lip! Although I was disappointed that I could not see her face and could not get a nice ultrasound picture to add to her pre-born photo album. I was super relieved to find out that she does not have cleft lip.

I also asked the technician to check carefully (check once, check twice and check three times) to see if there is any signs of brain tumor or cysts in Bethany's head. This has been my biggest fear and worry since I have become pregnant. Joe's nephew has a brain tumor which impairs his motor and speech skills. I have been worrying sick that somehow it runs in Joe's family and that our baby would, unfortunately "inherit" it. When the technician told me her head looks clear and normal... I was so relieved that I had joyful tears in my eyes! I could not find words to describe how happy and relieved I was at that time. Lucky that Joe was not with me, or he would have asked me to "cut it out"! :-)

OB / GYN appotintment at 11:30am. Everything went fine. Blood pressure was normal. Baby's heart rate was 153, strong and healthy! That's my girl! I will need to go and get the Glucose test done beofre I am 30 weeks. Yuck... I have heard so much and googled so much about this famous Glucose test. It is not something I am looking forward to!

Spoke to my mom in the evening about the ultrasound and doctor's appointment. When I told mom that I could not see Bethany's face. My mom laughed and said that Bethany must be really shy! I do, however, have a different theory. Bee Bee has been spending a lot of time laying against my tummy. I guess somehow she must have told Bethany to hide her face during the ultrasound so that we won't find out how she looks until the day she comes out of me! I told Joe about my theory and Joe simply laughed!

My mom is a gifted and talented woman. Since she found out I am pregnant, she has been sewing beddings for the baby. She is also planning on knitting sweaters and blankets for the baby. She has recently learn how to quilt as she wants to make a quilt for the baby. Bethany's very first quilt from her grandmother... this is so sweet! Mom sent me a few pictures of the beddings she has done so far last night. I have a feeling that's just the "tip of the iceberg" as I think there are many more "hand-made with love" beddings to come! Joe and I have no doubt that Bethany will get all the tender loving care and attention from her Gong Gong (grandpa) and Pao Pao (grandma)!

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

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