Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 31 -- June 22 - 28, 2009 Part I

Week 31 -- June 22 - 28, 2009

Monday June 22, 2009

Happy Monday! There are a few things on our to-do list this week:
1. Shopping for an infant car-seat (We looked at the Graco Snugride 32 a while ago and probably this is what we are going to get as it is compatible to the Uppababy!)

2. Pick up Joe's drycleaning

3. Paint the baby's room. We bought the paint (Autum's Blossom) at Canadian Tire a week ago and it is just a matter of time to have the room painted so that we can start setting up the nursery furniture

4. Joe's Knights of Columbus's 4th Degree dinner on Friday!

Tuesday June 23, 2009
I noticed that Bee Bee has been scratching her ear and shaking her head since after dinner. I suspected that she had ear infection again. Well, my suspicion was correct and she did has a mild case of ear infection. Last time she had a severe case of ear infection, I took her to the vet. After spending a mere of 10 mins at the exam room at the Vet's office and $140, I walked out with a grumpy dog and a small bottle of ointment for the ear. This time, I decided to google about ear infection, and somehow came across a website which promotes natural rememdies for ear infection:
1 part apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 part of distilled water
I was not quite sure if it works or not, but I decided to give it a try. Worse case scenario, I would take Bee Bee to the vet on Thursday.

So, I rushed to the pharmancy to pick up distilled water after work, then rushed home (ok try imagining a preggie running around at Shoppers' Drug Mart looking for distilled water.. and that was me!) to mix the apple cider vinegar mixture. I cleaned bee bee's thoroughly with the mixture (per the instructions on the webiste. Then squirt a generous amount of the mixture to her ear. Let's hope this would work!

After dinner, Joe and I went to the Bay to shop for the infant carseat. Long sigh... the Bay @ Bayshore only has two models: Eddie Bauer and Maxi Cosi Mico! We found out that neither model is compatible to the Uppababy. Long sigh... We will need to go to the Bay @ St. Laurent on Thursday to see if they have a Graco's SR32!

Wednesday June 24, 2009

Happy St. Jean Baptiste Day! Every year on this day, I kick myself for not working and living in Quebec... or I would have a day off! :-( While people are partying across the river... I am stuck at work, in a 4x4 cubicle, with my ever growing tummy and swollen feet! :-(

Due date is only two months away! I can't believe time really flies! :-) Joe and I are really hoping that Baby Bethany will come out to see the world on Aug 24! Baby Bethany, time to pack your bags and get ready for your theatrical entrance into this world!

Picked up Joe's dry cleaning on my way today. One down and three more to go on the to-do-list.

Checked Bee Bee's infected ear and the ear is no longer red... I guess the apple cinder vinegar mixture really does the trick! :-)

Belly picture at 31 weeks... I can't believe the belly is still growing! How big is it possibily going to get before week 40?

From Drop Box

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week 30 -- June 15 - 22, 2009 Part II

Week 30 June 15 - 22, 2009

Friday June 19
Woke up with bad sidepain and a swollen wrist. Not a good sign as these two items do not hit me till mid afternoon. I stayed home for the day and took it easy!

Saturday June 20
Joe's uncle came to our house for lunch. I woke up early to do make our traditional saturday pancake breakfast while Joe was out mowing the lawn. Joe took off around 8:30am to go downtown to pick up his uncle. I stayed home and get the lunch ready for the guys before heading out to Civic Hospital to pre-register for the Big D-Day! With the additional medical insurance covered by Costco, I got myself a semi private room! :-) I met up with two friends for dim sum while Joe spent an afternoon with his uncle.

Sunday June 21
Happy Father's Day to my dad, Joe and Joe's dad Carl! I surprised Joe with a "manly" diaper bag filled with goodies (a t-shrit that say's "Baby's Daddy", a father's card, a baby book called "Daddy's Girl").
It is a typical sunday for us.. church then brunch. Before we headed up, we stopped by at Metro to pick up a few grocery items. Joe suggested having lobster for dinner. :-)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Post Office Response to a Little Girl

Perhaps it is my preggie hormones... after reading the following, I had a big lump in my throat!

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey died last month.

The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was
crying that when Abbey got to heaven, God wouldn't recognize her, and could we send him a letter? I told her that I thought we could, so she dictated these words:

Dear God:

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much

I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.

hope you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her.

You will know that
she is my dog. I really miss her.


We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven...

Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps on the front of the envelope to get the letter all the way to Heaven. That afternoon, I drove Meredith to the
Post office andwatched her drop it in a letter box.. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet.

I told her that I was certain He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed,

'To Meredith , ' in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it.

Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, 'When a Pet Dies.'
Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope.

On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith:

Abbey arrived safely in heaven.

Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away...

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog.

Since we don't need our bodies in heaven,
I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by...

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me.

What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love


Kitchen Hints

There's a lot of them but very interesting!

To determine whether an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of cool, salted water. If it sinks, it is fresh~if it rises to the surface, throw it away.

Keep the linings from cereal boxes~they make great substitutes for waxed paper!

To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes!

Use a meat baster to "squeeze" your pancake batter onto the hot griddle~ perfect shaped pancakes every time!

Use lifesavers candy to hold candles in place on your next birthday cake! Kids love 'em!

Poke an egg with a small sewing needle before hard-boiling, and the egg will peel with ease! And hold that needle in place with a magnet refrigerator clip!

Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips!

Zap garlic cloves in the microwave for 15 seconds and the skins slip right off!

To prevent egg shells from cracking, add a pinch of salt to the water before hard-boiling!

Use a pastry blender to cut ground beef into small pieces after browning!

Sweeten whipped cream with confectioners' sugar instead of granulated sugar~it will stay fluffy and hold it's shape better!

For easy "meatloaf mixing", combine the ingredients with a potato masher!

If you don't have enough batter to fill all cupcake tins, pour 1 tablespoon of water into the unfilled spots...this helps preserve the life of your pans!

To easily remove honey from a measuring spoon, first coat the spoon with nonstick cooking spray!

Run your hands under cold water before pressing Rice Krispies treats in the pan~the marshmallow won't stick to your fingers!

Mash and freeze ripe bananas, in one-cup portions, for use in later baking~no wasted bananas (or you can freeze them whole, peeled, in plastic baggies)

To quickly use that frozen juice concentrate, simply mash it with a potato masher~no need to wait for it to thaw!

To get the most juice out of fresh lemons, bring them to room temperature and roll them under your palm against the kitchen counter before squeezing!

Spray your tupperware with non-stick cooking spray before pouring in tomato-based sauces~no more stains!

Transfer your jelly to a small plastic squeeze bottle~no more messy, sticky jars or knives! This also works well for homemade salad dressing!

Save your store-bought-bread bags and ties~they make perfect storage bags for homemade bread!

When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead~no white mess on the outside of the cake!

Wrap celery in aluminum foil when putting in the refrigerator it will keep for weeks!

When making bread, substitute non-dairy creamer for the dry milk~it works just as well! Rinse cooked, ground meat with water when draining off the fat~this helps "wash away" even more fat!

Slicing meat when partially frozen makes it easier to get thin slices.

Instead of throwing away bread heels or leftover cornbread, use them to make bread crumbs. For use later, store them in the freezer.

Substitute half applesauce for the vegetable oil in your baking recipes~you'll greatly reduce the fat content! (Example: 1/2 cup vegetable oil = 1/4 cup applesauce + 1/4 cup oil)

To ripen avocados and bananas, enclose them in a brown paper bag with an apple for 2-3 days!

Brush beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to yield a beautiful, glossy finish!

In recipes calling for margarine, substitute reduced-calorie margarine to help cut back on fat! (Same goes with sour cream, milk, cheese, cream cheese, and cream soups)

Place a slice of bread in hardened brown sugar to soften it back up!

When boiling corn on the cob, add a pinch of sugar to help bring out the corns natural sweetness!

Don't throw out all that leftover wine. Freeze into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces.

If you have problem opening jars: Try using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy!

Potatoes will take food stains off your fingers. Just slice and rub raw potato on the stains and rinse with water.

To take the tears out of chopping onions: Plug in a portable fan and turn it to high. It'll help blow away the fumes from your eyes - no more tears!

Don't panic if your soup's too salty: Add cut raw potatoes and throw them away once they are cooked and have absorbed the salt. Your soup's saved!

Instead of throwing away a sponge that has a stale odor, simply toss it in the dishwasher and wash it with the next load of dishes. It will come out clean and fresh smelling and will kill any bacteria in the sponge, so it's a good idea to toss your sponges into the dishwasher often.

Save celery leaves. Spread them out on paper towels or a paper plate and let them dry. Crumble them into soups, salads and stuffing's. They will add an extra zippy flavor for free.

Make giant ice cubes in muffin tins or plastic margarine bowls. These are perfect for using in picnic coolers or punch bowls. They look pretty and keep your drinks or food cold longer.

Don't throw those single serving gelatin plastic cups away, make your own single servings. Place the cups in a muffin holder, fill the cups and place in the refrigerator. It only takes a few minutes and no mess.

Fruit Freshener - Use 2 vitamin C tablets in a big bowl of water...let them dissolve and stir...dunk any veggie or fruit and it will stay fresh for a couple of weeks and vitamin C won't hurt you either! Try it out on a potato... dunk the potato and leave it out on the won't discolor... It's the short version of "fruit fresh ".

Cottage cheese will remain fresher longer if you store it upside down in the refrigerator. This slows the effects of oxidation.

To keep milk past it's expiration date add salt. A pinch of salt in a gallon will do it. The salt slows the rate of bacteria growth.

Brown sugar will not harden if stored in the freezer.

If you freeze wild rice it will last 3-4 months compared to a week in the refrigerator. A good trick when you go away on vacation is to place a baggie with a few ice cubes in the freezer. If a power failure occurs while you are gone and the food thaws and then refreezes you will know about it when you get home.

Ice cream container sealed in a plastic bag will stop ice crystals from forming when it is in the freezer.

Potato chip bag open again and they're all stale and yucky?? Pop them in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds, let stand for two minutes and they'll be crispy again.

Regarding tomato paste, it seems a whole can of tomato paste is many times too much for some recipes. Suggestion: take a piece of waxed paper, putting it on a cookie sheet and putting teaspoonfuls of the leftover paste on the paper -- another sheet on top and freeze this. When frozen just peel them off and put them in a baggie and when you need a tsp. or tbs. of paste you have it without opening a whole can and there is no waste. OR-- put small amounts in an ice tray and then just pop them out when I need them.

Quick Whipping -- A teaspoonful of cold water added to the white of an egg causes it to whip more quickly while increasing the quantity.

Moldy Fruit -- What should you do with fruit with mold? Throw it away rather than simply cutting off the mold since mold on fruit goes much deeper than what appears on the fruit.

Broccoli Stalks -- Don't discard the tough ends of broccoli stalks. Use them for making soups.

Measuring Honey -- Measuring honey with a spoon is easy but getting it all off the spoon is another matter--so first rub the spoon with margarine.

Dropping Cookie Dough -- To get cookie dough to drop without sticking dip the spoon in milk first.

Leftover Pie Dough -- Extra pie dough? Cover it with some parmesan and gruyere cheese and you'll bake a delicious appetizer--at the very same meal with your pie as dessert.

Easy Shelling -- Pecans are easy to shell if they are first soaked in boilingwater for 10 minutes or so. Or microwave 2 cups of pecans or Brazil nuts in 1 cup of water for 5 to 6 minutes on HIGH.

Storing Cake -- If you store half and apple in the container which you are storing a cake, the cake will retain its freshness.

Cheesy Apple Pie -- Don't just serve cheese with apple pie, bake it right in. Spread grated sharp Cheddar on the bottom of the crust before adding the apple filling.

Sticking Cake Layers -- Cake layers sticking to the bottom of the pans? Put them back in a warm oven for a short time. The layers will then come out without a problem. Or, try lining the bottom of your pans with waxed paper

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week 30 -- June 15 - 22, 2009

Week 30 -- June 15 - 22, 2009

Monday June 15

I can't believe this week is already Week 30! I am on the home stretch!!! :-) According to those numerous pregnancy books I have read so far, some of the symptoms I had in T1 will slowly surface once again, in T3. I am lucky enough that morning sickness has not hit yet and I am keeping my fingers crossed (really really crossed) that it won't come back. However, the occasional dizziness and light headache have come back though! (long sigh!)

This is Week 2 of the reduced work schedule and I am loving it! Though my back still hurts in the afternoon, now that I am no longer confined to a 4x4 work cubicle and that I can move around as much as I want, my back does not bother me as much as it used to.

Now that I have the afternoon, I am doing more of my share in the household chores. Laundry is Joe's department but I have decided to take over as I have time now. Though I hate doing laundry, I'd rather do the laundry on a weekday afternoon than to have it all cramped into the weekend's routine tasks. Today, while having one load of laundry in the washer, I removed all the price tags of Baby Bethany's new clothes and put them all in the laundry basket. While I was sitting on the floor, with Bee Bee right beside me, removing all the price tags, I felt a sudden kick in my tummy. I could not help by smile... it seems like as if Baby Bethany was saying, "Mom Mom! Do I get to pick which outfit to wear?" It was an amazing moment and I wish that Joe was here when it happened!

Tuesday June 16

Mom's flight from Vancouver to Ottawa is booked! Yes, it is official! :-) Mom will be coming out on Aug 5 and she will stay her till Oct 3! I can't hardly wait for my mom to come out! :-) :-) :-) Nothing is better than having my mom with me during the last few weeks of my pregnancy!

Wednesday June 17

Today is Joe's birthday. I surprised him with a few gifts this morning when he woke up. One when he opened his eyes. One when he was fully awake and one when he came out of the shower! Joe is like a little kid every time when he opens a present! The expression on his face is simply priceless!

We went to Sweet Grass Aboriginal Restaurant down in the Market for Joe's birthday dinner. Joe has always wanted to go to this restaurant as he always has a craving for caribou meat. I, on the other hand, is not as adventurous as Joe when it comes to trying game / wild animals. Well, since it is Joe's birthday, I let him pick the restaurant. We were disappointed to find out that the restaurant has recently changed its menu and for the summer, they are featuring food from the south-western US so caribou meat is not on the menu. Joe settled for a clam chowder with smoked bacon and buffalo steak. For me, being less adventurous and cautious, I went with a basil tomato sweet potato soup and roasted game hen. Food turned out to be great and we both enjoyed our dinner!
Halfway through dinner, I surprised Joe with his last b-day present!
From Drop Box

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week 29 - June 8 - 14, 2009

Week 29 -- June 8 - 14, 2009

As pregnancy progresses, it has become a challenge for me to sit still in front of my PC and write my blog!

This week is one of those ordinary weeks that nothing spectcular happened. I went for my pre-natal check up (alone for the second time! Even the doctor asked me why Joe was not coming with me.) At the beginning of the pregnancy, Joe made a promise that he would come to every doctor appointment and every ultrasound with me as he wanted to be there to show support. About two months ago, my third ultrasound appointment was in conflict with his weekly meeting (one would have picked the wife's ultrasound appt over the weekly meeting right?) and I ended up going alone. Since then, every pre-natal appt, every ultrasound, every bloodwork, I have been going solo. I have a feeling that this is going to be the norm from now until my due date. Sometimes, I really wish that we live closer to my family and that my mom would be able to go to the appt with me. I hate walking into a room full of preggies with their husbands, while I am there by myself. I swear a few preggies had thrown me sympathetic stares as if to say, "Why are you here alone? Where is your husband? He should be here with you! I feel so sorry for you!" Lucky that I can still wear my wedding band at this point. When my hands become too swollen for anything, I will need to take off my wedding band, and I am willing to bet every penny I have in my penny jar that I will receive more sympathetic stares as other preggies would think I am a single expectant mother!

The good thing is that the GD test come back fine. Heart rate of Baby Bethany was a constant 150. I did complain to the doctor about slightly higher than tolerable level. I went for pre-natal massage last week, it felt great, though it was only a temporary relief. Without further hesitation, my doctor ordered reduced work schedule (5 hrs per day from 7:30am to 12:30pm)!

Joe's birthday presents were wrapped and stashed away in the closet. He wanted to go to this weird aboriginal restaurant on his birthday. I simply do not know if caribou meat or any other "unheard-of" food would sit well with my stomach. Oh well, he is the birthday boy... I guess I will need to make a dinner reservation for two next Wed June 17! While I am typing... I am quickly devising a backup plan so that I do not need to stomach anything from the restuarant! (a.k.a. chinese takeout on our way home!)

Joe and I met with our friend Genevieve on Saturday to discuss the upcoming maternity session in mid July. We met Genenvieve at the social club at Blessed Sacrament Church. Genevieve is a very inspiring photographer. We have both seen her work and we must say that she is gifted in photography!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 28 -- June 1 - 7, 2009

Week 28 -- June 1 - 7, 2009

This week went by really fast! Suprisingly, Joe had no meeting (Scouts or KOC) this week! :-) :-) :-)

Monday June 1
I hate hate hate Mondays! Anything that could go wrong at work ususally happen on Mondays!

Tuesday June 2
My back is killing me! I find it getting difficult to sit at my desk after 1pm! My energy level is usually at its high in the morning. By lunch time, I am just tired. By 2pm, my back is bothering me and I could barely sit still at my desk for 10 mins. I end up going for mini walks a lot in the afternoons! By 4pm, my feet are 1/2 size bigger than in the morning. By 5pm, I am 3/4 dead! Gosh... is this something that I need to tolerate until Baby Bethany is born?

Wednesday June 3
An update on Baby Bethany's Uppababy Vista!!!! Due to high demand (???), the stroller won't arrive till mid July! The store we ordered the stroller from suggested that we go with the 2008 model as they have two 2008 models in stock. They have a plum color and a black color available. Joe and I have our eyes on the 2009 model in Denny (a.k.a. red color). Also, there have been a few upgrades on the 2009 model: 1) the bassinet is made of organic materials 2) the stroller can accomodate up to 50lbs whereas the 2008 model can only accomodate up to 45 lbs and 3) the wheels for the 2009 model are slight wider and bigger. Joe and I believe in providing the best for our precious Baby Bethany (well of course, within reasonable limits), we decided to wait for the 2009 model!

I spoke to my mom tonight! I have always been close to my mom all my life. I feel that my bond with my mom is growing and strengthening as my pregnancy progresses. I talk to my mom once a week, usually for half an hour. Lately, our conversation lasts about an hour to an hour and a half! I enjoy our weekly conversation and mom knows every bits about my pregnancy and the progress of the nursery. It is funny that when I complain to my mom about the bothersome backpain and swelling feet, my mom always tells me that when I see the face of Baby Bethany, I will then forget all the discomfort I have been feeling for the last 28 weeks! Mom has lots of experiences in motherhood, and I feel that my connection with my mom has reached a different level only an expectant mom and an experienced mom can relate! I can't wait for my mom to come out in late July / early August. Joe and I are very fortunate to have my mom stay with us for a month after Baby Bethany is born!

Thursday June 4
Nothing spectacular happenend today except that my backpain was getting worse.

I painted my toenails. A job as easy as painting toenails took me a good 30 mins. Everyone warns me about painting toenails when I am in the T3, and I was like" How difficult can this be?" Well, tonight, I experienced it the very first time, and well let's just say it WAS a lot of work!

Friday June 5
Joe and I went out for dinner. We went to Foolish Chicken, a restaurant we discoverd last year! It is a cozy little restaurant that serves finger licking delicious chicken! There was some sort of a seeing eye dogs' meeting at the restaurant, and there must be at least 5 blind-doggies (well I call them blind doggies, but I guess the proper name should be seeing-eye dogs) there! I love love love dogs, and I have always wanted to foster a seeing-eye dog. I could not take my eyes of those well-behaved golden retrievers and I almost forgot how great the food was! :-)

Saturday June 6
Joe finished creating a flower bed in our front yard while I was napping on the couch! He did a great job in opening up the flower bed!!!! Can't wait for my mom to come out and see the new flower bed!

Sunday June 7
Joe and I went to the baptismal information session at St. Andrews Parish this morning. It is official that Baby Bethany will be baptized on the third Sunday in September. Joe and I strongly believe in the importance of getting Baby Bethany baptized as soon as possible, and doing it while my mom is still in town. Joe filled out the baptismal application form while I checked out all the babies and strollers in the room, and I spotted a Uppababy in the room!!!! Today was the first time that Joe wrote out our baby's full name on a piece of paper. When I look at the baby's name on the application form, all of a sudden, it hit me at that very moment that I am going to be a mom in about 8 weeks!!!!

I went for pre-natal massage in the afternoon. I have Scoliosis all my life and with the extra weight I am carrying (I have put on 20lbs so far!) is putting a lot of pressure on my back. My OB/GYN suggested that I go to pre-natal massage to help relief some of the pressure. I was a bit skeptical when I went in, but half way through the session, I felt that my back was no longer as stiff as before. By the time the session was over, I felt much lighter! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be have a good night sleep with sweet dreams tonight!

While I was having my pre-natal massage, Joe went and bought a hosta for the flower bed, and three hanging baskets! I knew he was going to get a hosta but little did I know that he picked out three absolutely beautiful hanging baskets for the house! Joe is a lovely husband. I must admit that he has changed a lot since I got pregnant. He has become very protective of me and Bee Bee, supportive and accomodating. I count my blessings everyday to be married to Joe! :-)

From Drop Box

From Drop Box