Friday, October 30, 2009

Tummy Time

A week ago, I started Bethany on the famous "tummy time". I wonder if all babies hate tummy time (or in our house, we call it "tum-tum time")

In the afternoon from 3:45pm to 5:15pm, Bethany and I spend time in her room. Often times, Bethany plays on her playmat, listening to Baby Einstein's Lullaby, while I catch up with my reading. I usually let her play on the playmat, on her back for 1/2 hour and then I flip her onto her stomach.

The first time she had her "tum-tum time". She absolutely hated it! She would simply lay there, with her little face buried in the ground and screamed until she is being picked up. Once she is being picked up, there is this terrified look on her face, kind of like " I can't believe you almost let me die mom mom!" look, though that could very much be my own imagination.

Then the next day, I got her on her tummy again. This time, she cried bloody murder until I picked her up. So tum-tum time lasted less than 5 mins.

Then the third day, I got her on her tummy againg. This time, she did not cry or scream. At first, she laid on the mat still, with her face buried on the mat. Then 30 seconds later, she lifted up her head to 45 degree. This lasted for a good 15 seconds, and then she turned her little head sideways.

I guess no babies like tum-tum time. However, according to the famous "What to Expect in the First Year". A two-month old baby should be able to lift her head to 45 degree when placed on her tummy (checked!). By the end of the third month, she should be able to support herself with her elbows and lift her head to 90 degree.

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