Thursday, October 1, 2009

Awesome August Mommies HOT TIPS

Awesome August Mommies HOT TIPS

-- place baby in rocker in the bathroom with the shower running always knocks her out and gets Mommy a shower.

- warm bath soothes her before sleep


- putting baby to bed awake with the mobile or aquarium on is enough to settle this turkey to sleep for the night after being topped up with milk

- pump at some point during the day (for me it's the morning) to enable someone else to give her a bottle so you can do something else or GO OUT

- pack the diaper bag the night before if you're going out

- Make your DH/FH watch the baby so you can have a bath or something just for you


- Start Blowdrying your hair again - it'll put the LO to sleep

- bouncing on an exercise ball!!

- If you co-sleep or breastfeed in bed OR make a habit of changing baby's diaper on your bed ... invest in a mattress protector with a waterproof backing.

- Also, breastfeed lying down so you can sleep through most of the feedings. Sleep = happiness lol

- Miracle Blankets are like a straight jacket for your baby N sleeps through the night in his all the time

-Sound Machine

- Send your other children to daycare a few days a week. Your sanity is worth it!

- for dry skin issues ( which looked like baby acne). After much research on the internet I decided to try epsom salts in her bath and I purchased Baby Aveeno cream to put on her face. Within 2-3 days her face was perfectly clear again. Thought I would post that in case any of you were seeing similar issues with your LO's. Apparently the epsom salts and aveeno cream are also great for LO's with eczema.

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