Sunday, April 6, 2008

Waxing -- Be Extremely Cautious

For those brides out there, who are reading my blog... please be extremely cautious when going for waxing.

I went for full arm waxing on Thursday night (as first gown fitting was saturday am)... the lady did a great job in the full arm waxing, she managed to get every single tiny hair on my arms! Since I was there, I thought to myself, "Might as well get the upper lip done!" I am a hairy person (well at least to my own standards... Joe thinks I am crazy!) and I have been going for waxing since I was in my mid 20's. My skin conditions are great... and not even once that I had any allergic reactions to the wax. I found this place not too far from home, because of the location and convenience, I decided to try out this place, instead of going to my usual place,where I have been going there loyally for the last year and a half.

BIG MISTAKE #1 I should have stick with my usual waxing place.

So I went for the arm waxing, and then suddenly decided that I should do the upper lip as a treat to myself. Waxing procedure was the normal routine, when done, it was a bit red, but it is normal. So after paying for the fee... I went home happily... thinking about the upcoming wedding gown fitting on Saturday in Toronto!
Before I went to sleep that night, I did my usual face cleansing routine but I stayed away from the lip area, and only applied CETAPHIL on it and then went to sleep.

Friday morning... I almost had a heart attack. I woke up and found out my upper lip is all RED, and skin is peeling off! OMG!!!!! What the XXXX happened? I panicked and cried as I had no idea what went wrong!

Friday at work was a torture. I tried my very best to stay at my desk, facing the computer so that no one would noticed the hideous red mark on my upper lip. No joke! The red mark covers half of my upper lip, and not one single concealer is strong enough to cover it! OMG! I was sooooooo embarrassed that I wish I could dig a hole in the ground and put my head in it!

Saturday morning... I had changed from totally looking for the TO trip to "please let me stay in bed all day and hide underneath the blanket!" Joe managed to scope me out of the bed, and we left the house at 5:30am. Joe was pretty good about it that he paid no attention to the hideous red mark and kept telling me that it will be gone in no time.

My gown fitting was at 1pm. When the gown designer had the first glimpse of my face. She was shocked.... yes SHOCKED! She was like," What DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF? WHERE IS YOUR PRETTY FACE?" I told her the story while I was sobbing. She was so mad that she told me not to go back to the waxing place again. She told me that brides usually do all sorts of waxing except the face as the face is the most sensitive in the body. Ok, lesson learned the hard way!

One positive thing was that my custom made wedding gown looks GORGEOUS and ELEGANT! The handmanship is meticulous! I am super impressed by Josephine's talent!

So, back to my hideous upper lip.... Josephine (she also offers face beauty care as well) told me that when the waxing lady pulled the strip off my lip, she pulled too hard that the skin got pulled as well, and that the wax was too hot that it burned the skin! It will take 2 weeks to heal (darn... how am I supposed to go to work the next two weeks? I checked my schedule, and lucky that I had no vendor meetings scheduled for the next two weeks!) and she had also suggested some face products to use after the skin is healed... whitening cream and anti pigmentation cream. After a whooping $330, I left the store!

Needless to say, the rest of the Saturday was uneventful.... I did not feel like going away at all! Joe.... I have to give him credit... he tried hard to cheer me up, and told me I still look stunning even with the hideous upper lip. He took me out for dinner at one of the city's finest steak and seafood house for dinner!

This morning, I got up at 5am... while Joe was still sound asleep. I quietly slipped into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror... ok... it is not as bad as yesterday... I kept telling myself... but still a long way to go! LONG SIGH!!! Lucky that I bought Aloe Vera gel friday night and have been applying a generous amount on it once every three hours!

Bad experience of waxing... will never do it again. The good thing is... as Joe keeps reminding me... it is good that it happened now than it happens the day before the wedding! well, I guess he is right on this one!

I was tempted to post a picture of how I look now on the blog, but Joe warned me not to as it is considered as "very disturbing matter... viewer's discretion is advised!"

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