Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sippy Cup Training

We started introducing the sippy cup to B when she was about 5 months old. The timing of the sippy cup training coincides with the introduction of the solids. After giving B home-made puree, I would put water in the sippy cup and let her play with it. At first, B was confused as she did not really know what to do with the sippy cup. Then she went through a phrase of throwing the sippy cup at the dog (yup... my poor dog has been taking a lot of abuses from B) every time I gave her the sippy cup. This phrase lasted for like a week, so my poor dog did not really sustain any major injuries.

Her motor skills have improved significantly in the last 6 weeks. She can literally reach and grab and hold on to a lot of objects (and that includes my poor dog's tail!). Yesterday I had an uber serious discussion with B. I told her now that she is 7 months old and she needs to start learning to drink from a sippy cup properly. I put about 1oz of formula in her sippy and gave it to her. She quickly put the sippy in her mouth and as soon as she realized that it was milk not water in the sippy, she drank it really fast and made the sound of "awwwww" as if she had been stranded in the desert for a long time and she had finally found her first drop of water! Too cute!

Sippy Cup Training Day 1 @ 5 months (water in the sippy cup)
From Drop Box

Sippy Cup Training @ 7 months (1oz formula in the sippy cup)
From Drop Box

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