So Bethany had her first set of shots on Wednesday. She did fine after the shots, and did not develop any severe reactions. Although I read up on all the possible reactions on the internet beforehand, I was still nervous. Mainly because Bethany could not talk and it was up to me, as her mom, to determine her comfort level based on all the clues she gave me.
She did sleep a lot after the shots, and took a bit longer to finish her bottle. There were two feedings that she fell asleep and did not finish the bottle. I took her temperature three times within the first 24 hours after the shots, to ensure that she did not develop a fever. I know I am supposed to trust the temperature reading indicatate on the therometer, but for some reason, I was extremely nervous and kept thinking that the therometer was not accurate (though it is brand new Braun Digital Therometer!). I woke up many times during the night, tip-toed to the baby's room, felt her forehead, touched her little hands to make sure she was doing ok. There she was... sleeping soundly in her crib.
I can't help but wonder... do I worry too much as a new mom?
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