Last sunday after church, Joe, Bethany and I went for a quick brunch before going home. It was 10am, still considered "early" on a sunday morning, so the restaurant was not too packed. While I was sipping a cup of decaf coffee, Bethany was sleeping peacefully in her carseat, and Joe and I were chatting causally, a very-pregnant lady walked by our table and "awed" at Bethany. We have gotten quite used to the Oh and Awe when we take Bethany out with us. The lady stopped at our table, at first, we thought she was going to comment on how pretty Bethany is (a very popular compliment we get these days!). To my surprise, she asked me where we got the Cozy Cover. Cozy Cover is a carseat cover, which goes on top of the carseat, to shield off the wind and cold... I must say it is a MUST for Ottawa winter. It works better than the the bunting bag which has to go between the carseat and the baby, and this might pose a safety hazzard.
So, I told Mrs. Mom to be that I got the Cozy Cover at Walmart for $18. Below is our short but sweet conversation:
Mrs. Mom to be: Where did you get the cover?
Me: Walmart for $18!
Mrs. Mom to be: Do you think it is good?
Me: Yes it is good! And it does the work and it is so easy to put on!
Mrs. Mom to be: Do you think Walmart still have it? When did you get it?
Me: I got it two days ago... and there are tons at Walmart...
Mrs. Mom to be: OK. I should go right after I eat then... I have three weeks left and I think we got almost everything... do you think that having a newborn sometimes can be overwhelming?
Me: (paused for a second... and thinking... hmm, this can turn into a very interesting and long conversation if taking care of a newborn is an overwhelming experience...) I did not intend to scare of Mrs. Mom to be, so I smiled knowingly at her and said, " Yes, it can be overwhelming, but you will manage!"
This conversation really got me thinking... I have progressed from a rookie new mom to a new mom whom strangers will come to me for advice! I am not an experienced mom, and taking care of Bethany is a learning curve for Joe and myself. I have become more confident in taking care of Bethany while Joe is at work. I guess I am not afraid to ask questions or google answers. Bethany has slowly settling into a routine and our days are very structured. Bethany sleeps during the day and becomes active by early afternoon, and she is extremely fussy from 7pm till her last feeding. She has been sleeping through the night, and this gives me time to rest. Although I still need to wake up at 3am to pump, at this point, I am slowing getting used to this schedule. Getting up at 3am is not as hard as it seems!
Joe and I were talking about our interesting encounter the other day... Joe thinks I should have gotten Mrs. Mom to be's e-mail address and that we will be able to exchange pointers on taking care of newborns... I kicked myself of not thinking about that at the restaurant... or I would have a new mom-to-be friend!
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