Joe and I took Bethany to get her first set of needles yesterday. Usually taking Bethany to the doctor is my department, but just that she was getting her first shots yesterday, and I was not quite sue how fussy she would be, so I figured it would be safe if Joe came along.
The doctor appt was at 1pm and I gave Bethany a dose of Tempra (as recommended by the doctor) an hour prior to the appointment. We arrived at the doctor's office at 12:50pm and were called into the examination room at 1pm. The nurse came in to weigh Bethany. I asked the nurse if I should undress Bethany before putting her onto the scale, and she was like, "No! It is cold in here!." So with the long sleeve onesie, a sleeper and a cardigan on, Bethany weighed a whopping 11 lb 14 oz. Her length was 21 3/4".
When the doctor came in, he looked at Bethany's weight on the chart, and I told him that the nurse did not ask us to undress Bethany so I do not think the weight is too accurate. The nurse took the 14 oz off and said that was the weight of her clothes... The doctor looked at me and said," There is no way all her clothes weigh close to one lb. Next time tell the nurse you want to undress Bethany down to her diaper before weighing her." So for now... Bethany is about 11 lb. I am planning on taking her to the well baby clinic next monday here in Barrhaven just to weigh her again. It is important to know her exact weight as I need to make sure she gets enough breast milk everyday. The rule of thumb is 2oz to 2.5oz for ever lb of the baby.
The doctor said Bethany's weight, height and the circumference of her head are all measuring fine. The doctor could tell Bethany was more alert than the last visit (the beginning of Oct). We told the doctor that Bethany has been cooing a lot and smiling a lot. :-)
Although I know it is important of Bethany to get her shots, but as a mom, it was heart-breaking to see the needles going into my daughter's little thighs. She had two needles, one on each thigh. The first one went in fine, and she did not even notice. The second one went in, she yelped and screamed and cried for three seconds (yes only three seconds and she stopped as soon as her daddy picked her up) The doctor said that babies have short term memories and as soon as the cry was over, she probably had forgotten about the needle.
We were instructed to give her Tempra once every four hours for the next day and closely monitor her temperature. I took her temperature last night before going to bed and this morning when she woke up... everything checked out fine. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will not have any reactions to the shots.
Her next set of shots will be done when she is four months old... Dec 18 at 1pm!
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