Monday, November 9, 2009

My Typical Day as a Stay Home Mom...

Ever wonder what my day is like as a stay home mom? Before I got pregnant, I would have never imagined my day can be any more structured than what I am having now.

6:25am -- I wake up without the help of an alarm clock (isn't that amazing? That's one of the privileges of being a mom. It almost feels like there is a clock inside my body and I just know when to get up... or when Bethany is about to wake up... even before she makes the very first tiny noise in her crib!) Do I need a baby monitor? NO! It is simply a waste of money! On the other hand, Joe manages to sleep through a storm even though the monitor is on and is sitting on his bedside table!
6:35am -- Change Bethany, feed Bethany, burp Bethany, put Bethany back to her crib.
7:15am -- Pumping Session
7:45am -- Check up on Bethany to make sure she is sound alseep... and then hop into the shower
8:15am -- Breakfast (coffee and toast 7 days a week!)
8:30am - 10:00am -- Free time for me... surfing the internet, chatting with other wb'ers on, checking e-mails
10:00am -- fold and iron Bethany's clean laundry and getting ready for Bethany's bath items
10:30am -- wake up Bethany and give her a bath
10:45am -- Bethany's feeding time, and then put her down for a nap
11:15am -- Pumping Session
11:30am -- Hand-wash Bethany's clothes
11:45am -- Do a load of laundry or house-hold chores (e.g. sweeping, mopping, scrubbing the tubs and toilet)
12:25pm -- Lunch and chat with mom
12:35pm -- Bethany wakes up from her nap (She used to sleep till 2pm but lately, she has been waking up at 12:30pm... I guess as she becomes older, she stays awake longer during the day!)
12:35pm - 2:20pm -- Play time with Bethany... she plays on her playmat while listening to classical music (yes Bethany is a classical music baby...well at least I am gearing her towards that direction!)
2:30pm -- Bethany's feeding time... and then put her down for a nap (this nap usually last till 5:30 or 6pm)
3:15pm -- Pumping Session
3:30pm - 4:30pm -- Prepare dinner (Joe's dinner is easy... I cooked up a storm and then froze everything before I gave birth... so I have been feeding Joe on those freezer meals) My dinner is usually different from Joe's as I prefer a healthier and well-balanced diet in order to keep up with my milk supply and lose weight at the same time.
Once dinner is done... I will then finish off what is left of the household chores. Depends on the day of week, I would run another load of laundry or scrub the the tub... the point is there is always plenty to do around the house!
5:30pm -- Joe comes home and walks Bee Bee. Up till last friday, my work shift of taking care of Bethany ended when Joe came home. Joe would then take over till 10:30pm when Bethany has her last feeding. Last night, Joe said that ever since he took over the 5:30pm till 10:30pm shift, he had no time to do personal things (e.g. checking e-mails, working on the KOC's Rosarium, attending to Scout's issues and spending time with his obsession: either downloading stuff from the internet, organizing his on-line song album or renaming all the images he saved in his computer... hahaha... welcome to the world of parent-hood... being a parent = time loss on doing your own things... and it is called S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E. and I guess Joe is not too keen on this idea!) So he suggested last night that I would extend my shift till 8:30pm and then he would look after Bethany for 2 hours, change her, feed her and then put her to sleep!
6:30pm -- Bethany's feeding (Joe used to do this feeding, but starting today, I will be doing this as well)
7:15pm -- Pumping Session
8:30pm (beginning today) Off duty... take a shower, brew a cup of herbal tea, iron Bethany's clothes, watch TV and take a nap.
11:15pm -- Pumping Session
11:30pm -- Check up on Bethany to make sure she is sound asleep... check to see if the temperature of the room is at 20.5c.
11:45pm -- I go to sleep! * I also need to keep my ears open just in case Bethany wakes up in the middle of the night and wants a bottle!*
3:15am -- Pumping Session
3:30am -- Check up on Bethany before going back to sleep
(but I do not usually fall back to sleep until 4:30am)
6:30am -- repeat the previous day schedule

Who says being a stay home mom is an easy task? Before I was pregnant, I worked 9 hours a day at Costco, and when I got home, I relaxed, took a long shower, watched TV, spent time on line etc... Being a stay home mom, my priority is to look after our daughter, and it is a 24/7 job. Although it is hard, and sometimes it is very exhausting and frustrating, especially knowing that Joe can sleep in on the weekends and I can't. It is a job offers great rewards... my heart melts when Bethany smiles at me and all my frustrations and disappointments towards Joe seem to fade away for now... and I am sure that Bethany's first words will be mom-mom and that will definitely send me to the moon when that day comes!

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