Bethany is three months old today!
Yes.. Three months old! I can't believe she is already three months old... it felt like yesterday that she was born!
As a mom, and having the luxury to spend a lot of time with her, I have noticed that Bethany has grown a lot in the last three months:
Birth weight: 6 lb 15 oz
Last week's weight: 12.2 lb
(Her weight and length is at the 50th percentile and the doctor said Bethany is on track on her growth rate!)
Her hair has definitely grown... her forehead is no longer as "bare" as before. For the longest time, I was worried that Bethany has a receding hairline like her daddy.
She is alert and awake longer during the day, and she has been sleeping through the night since she was two months old. Her last feeding is usually 10:30pm and she sleeps through the night till 6:30am the next day!
She has been sleeping in her crib since she was about a month old. We put her in a bassinet for the first few weeks and she HATED it so much that she cried bloody murder every time we put her there. We had no choice but to put her in her crib (as Joe and I do not believe in co-sleeping. There are more risks than benefits in co-sleeping!) and amazingly, she loves her crib!
She coos a lot! Seriously... a lot! During the day, when she is awake, she coos! Oh, almost forgot to mention that she smiles a lot too! Her smile is p.r.i.c.e.l.e.s.s. and it truly melts my heart!
She hates tummy time! Absolutely hates it! She cries non-stop every time she is on her tummy until I "give in" and pick her up! Although she hates tum-tum time, I make sure she spends at least 5 mins a day on her tummy to build the strength of her neck!
Her fingers are getting stronger. She has started grabbing things or pulling things close to her mouth. Two nights ago, I "caught" her pulling her blanket close to her mouth and a min later, the tip of the blanket was in her mouth and she was sucking the blanket.
Yesterday, Bethany had Sophie the Giraffe in her hand when she was down for her afternoon nap. When she woke up, one of Sophie's ears was in her mouth!
Bethany hates the soother! When she was younger, she would simply spit out the soother. Now that her fingers are getting stronger, she would grab the soother with both of her hands from her mouth, and then yanked it off the floor!

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