I am a Certified Food Safety Manager at Costco. I need to get re-certified once every three years. Therefore, I understand the importance of hand washing.
Now with Baby Bethany at home... I re-inforce the importance of hand washing at home. Mom and I are firm believers of washing our hands (20 seconds rule... scrub scrub scrub all the way to the elbows) before touching Bethany every time. The worst offender so far is Bethany's Daddy. He does not believe in washing his hands every time before touching Bethany; and this drives me B.O.N.K.E.R.S.! I have explained to Bethany's Daddy numerous times but he does not seem to listen. He thinks that washing his hands once is enough... although he might be sitting in front of his PC, touching the keyboard, touching the remote control, touching his i-POD, touching the garbage etc... and he thinks it is still ok to touch Bethany as he washed his hands before touching the garbage, but not after the garbage. I get mad at Joe a few times because of this, and I really hope that he understands the importance of hand washing (well, Joe does not believe in washing fruits before biting into it, or washing any uncooked meat before cooking it... and being a food safe manager... that's the main reason I do not allow Joe to cook at home or prepare the food!).
If anyone thinks of a good and effective way to get Joe to understand the importance of washing his hands... please let me know!
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