Being the queen of Google, I googled diaper rash right away, and noticed that Sudocream & SkniFix's Buttock Paste and Penatan are the three highly recommended diaper rash cream. While Bum Bum Balm is good as a prenventive measure, zinc oxide which is found in Sudocream, SkinFix and Penatan is used in treating diaper rash. I received two big tubs of Penatan at the Baby's shower and one tub of SkinFix at a Baby's show. I went with Penatan as this cream is sold @ Walmart, Toysrus, Zellers, Shoppers... if popularity of an item has any indication on its effectiveness, then Penatan is THE cream!
While googling diaper rash, I noticed that diaper rash is very common in infants, about 60% of the infants get diaper rash at some point. There is no cure of diaper rash other than doing the following steps:
1. Check diaper every hour and change it often -- as soon as it is wet or soiled
2. Clean the baby's bum at each diaper change -- use warm water with cotton ball
3. Stay away from diaper wipes as the chemicals in the wipes might irritate the diaper rash -- when I told Joe about it last night... he said, "WHY?????" Lately I have found that everytime when I tell him something about "new" ways of handling the baby, whether it is feeding, bathing or changing diaper, his first reply is always "WHY????" and this really bothers and irritates me! Last week, he gave his thumb for Baby Bethany to suck on. Mom slapped his hand right away and I was really mad at him! Everyone knows that there are germs in everyone's hands and I always wash my hands before handling the baby. For him to give his thumb to Bethany to suck on gave me a hard attack! He did not wash his hands (and this translates to GERMS!) and we have soother for Bethany for sucking!!!! Joe was really mad when he got slapped and he yelled "WHY????" Gosh, this really annoys me to a great deal... seems that men have no common sense in handling a baby! Though I am still learning everyday, I am glad that I send Joe off to work everyday, while I stay at home caring for the baby!
4. Allow baby's skin to dry before putting on a clean diaper
5. Use zinc oxide ointment to protect baby's skin from moisture
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