Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 37 -- August 3 - 9, 2009

Week 37 -- August 3 - 9, 2009

Monday Aug 3

37 weeks! Three more weeks to go! If Baby Bethany decides to make her grand appearance this week, she would be considered as a full-term baby! A selfish part of me wants her to stay inside for two more weeks so that she can pack a bit more weight! :-)

It turned out that today was a great sunny day! Joe got up early to seal the driveway and I rewarded him with french toast and banana smoothie for breakfast.

By mid morning, I had a craving for Dairy Queen Dipped Cone. Joe was done with the driveway by noon, so we went out for icecream! Yay!

I did not do much today. I did only two loads of laundry (and yes! I finally washed all the cloth diapers!) and put items away from the baby's shower!

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