Friends who have been following my blog probably remember that Bethany was in breech since 33 weeks. External Cephalic Version (ECV) was ordered by my OB/GYN and was performed when I was 35 weeks. It was a rather painful procedure. I was ok for the first two minutes, and then I broke into tears for the rest of the procedure. It took my hubby Joe like 5 minutes to realize that he should be holding my hand instead of just sitting there watching me in pain from a distance!
When I was 36 weeks, my OB/GYN and I agreed that a planned c-section was inevitable to ensure a safe delivery of Bethany. I had abdominal surgery seven years ago and I knew what a c-section would do to my body. As much as I hate having yet another scar on my not-so-perfect tummy, knowing that Bethany would come out safe this way... I quickly signed all the consent forms.
Although my due date was Aug 24 (today!), my OB/GYN decided to have a planned c-section on Aug 17 (when I was 39 weeks pregnant). In this way, the chance of me going into labour and then have an emergency c-section would be minimized.
A few days prior to to the scheduled c-section, I woke up with cramps one afternoon. The cramps lasted for about 10 minutes. I was not quite sure if I was going into labour that day, so we had to cancel my mom's birthday dinner reservation at Oggi Restaurant in Manotick. The following day, I had cramps again, and I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and panting heavily. This time, the cramps lasted for only 5 minutes. The next day, I went to see my OB/GYN and mentioned those cramps to her. She told me they were normal and I would probably have more of those during the weekend. And if became the 5-1-1 rule (contraction is 5 minutes long, 1 minute apart and lasts for an hour), I would need to go to the hospital and have an emergency c-section.
I hate surprises! I do not do well with surprises! All my life, things happened in my life, are well-planned. Knowing that I might need an emergency c-section simply sent shivers to my bones! Understanding that there was no way of me competing with Mother Nature, I decided to take it easy and relax as much as I can. Amazingly, I did not have any cramps the weekend prior to the "big" day!
The day before the scheduled c-section, mom, Joe and I went to Cora's for brunch. I had a tough time sitting comfortably in the chair, and I barely touched my food. We ended up packing my food (which was 3/4 of a plate) home. After brunch, we did a quick stop at Zellers and picked out a sleeper for baby Bethany, and a change pad for a friend who is due at the end of October.
Aug 17 (the day that changed my life forever)
4:30am I woke up... hopped into the shower. Having a last longing look of myself with a 39 week pregnant tummy in the mirror.
4:50am Joe woke up... took a shower
5:15am Joe and I walked Bee Bee. Joe and I chatted a bit about his conversation with his mother the night before. Discussion about Joe's mother has always been and will always remain a sensitive topic between us. We do not normally talk about Joe's mother as there is not much to talk about, and that we are leading our lives in two different directions. I did, however, know that Joe had a 2 1/2 hrs conversation with his mom the night before (I wonder what was so secretive that he had to make the call from his cell phone outside the house!). I was not going to bring up the topic as emotionally and physically, I was not in the state to deal with yet another Joe’s family debacle. At the same time, I was worried about the well being of my husband. I was relieved that Joe brought up the topic himself. Though he did not go into much details (which I was glad he did not anyway!), judging from what he had told me, things were quite ok. Long sigh!
5:30am Mom, Joe and I left for the hospital
6:00am We arrived at Civic Hospital 4th Floor in F-Wing
6:05am We entered the Observation Room and I was told to change into the hospital gown.
6:15am The nurse came into the room, took vitals and stuff. She is one weird nurse. Not only did I not understand her (she mumbled!), she told me she did not want to start my IV???
6:25am Another nurse came in, started the IV. She did another ultrasound to ensure that baby bethany was still in breech
6:40am I pee'ed the fifth time since I arrived at the hospital. I was not allowed to have any fluid intake since midnight... the IV must be working then
07:00am The anesthesiologist came in for a meet and greet. He was super nice and he went through all the risks on spinal anesthetic. He also drew marks on my back
07:15am Still waiting in the Observation Room
07:30am A resident came in and told me to sign more consent forms. I felt as if I was signing my life away.
07:40am I had gone through two bags of IV, and now they were hooking the third bag!
07:50am The OR nurse came in and took me (yes I walked to the OR myself!) to OR. I gave my mom a big hug and asked her to go get some breakfast. Mom asked Joe to give me a hug. Joe would be joining me at the OR in about 10 mins. Mom was worried, as this was my third abdominal surgery in the last 10 years.
07:55am The anesthesiologist in the OR had a cute scrub cap (red cap with fortune cookies!) and he administered the spinal and within seconds, I could feel a warming sensation in my feet. The anesthesiologist told me it was perfectly normal. The sensation was weird though. I was numb from the chest down but I was wide awake. An oxygen tube was placed on my nostrils, and I was also hooked up to a blood pressure machine.
08:05am Dr. Dy came into the OR and said Hello to me! I was relieved to see her.
08:10am Joe entered the OR, and I am glad that it did not take him long to hold my left hand.
08:25am I asked Dr. Dy if she had seen the baby yet, and she said no. I began to worry a bit as it usually takes about ½ hr from the 1st incision for the baby to come out. She told me that I had quite a bit of scar tissue from my first abdominal surgery and she had to clean up those scar tissue before making the second incision.
08:35am I felt a lot of pulling and tugging (but no pain!)… It felt weird!
08:50am Bethany was born. When she came out, she did not cry. The OR nurse explained that she had a bit of meconium on her face and she needed to be cleaned up. In about 15 seconds, the OR nurse signaled Joe over to the baby’s station. Within seconds, I heard the baby cry, and Joe cut the cord! Dy. Dy told me Bethany is a girly-girl! I was relieved to know that Bethany is a girl. Two things came to my mind: 1/ we can keep all the pink outfits! 2/ Joe can finally give the “Mother Mary & Baby Jesus” Picture back to his mother, as during my first meeting with Madame Vautour, she explicitly told that if Joe did not have a son, he would need to give the picture back to her so that she could give it to Joe’s nephew. (what a nerve! This comment really left me with a lot of ill feelings) Now, knowing that we have a precious daughter, I was more than happy that we could finally return the picture to Madame Vautour!
09:00am Joe came back to me, and the nurse brought over Bethany! It was the first time I held Bethany in my arms. The nurse told me she has 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. She is just perfect! To be able to hold the baby and see the baby makes it so much more than kicks in my belly. Chills and excitement came over my body as I started to feel a new chamber in my heart growing. Joe’s face glowed like he had seen the gates of heaven open, and we stared in awe at the most beautiful thing God had ever given us!
09:30am I was wheeled to the Recovery Room with Joe and Baby Bethany. After the nurse told my vitals, Joe immediately took Baby Bethany to my mom in the waiting room. It is so sweet that Bethany was being held by her Pao Pao (grandmother)!
Life is great! Life is going to be great! I have plans for this precious little girl. I would fill her with so much love that she would be able to conquer the world. Watching my husband glow with love also took my breath away. After seeing my husband’s face, I have 100% confidence and faith in both of us that we will make great parents for Bethany, and that Joe will always put our daughter first over anything!
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