Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Birthday

Friends who know me well enough know that I am not a big fan of birthday celebrations. People come up with all sorts of birthday celebrations. Honestly and seriously, I think some of those celebrations are just too over-rated. Imagine this... an extravagant birthday party with invitations, DJ, catering, dance floor, centerpiece for each table... It sounds more like a wedding reception to me! Funny enough, I know a person got seriously upset just because she did not get a birthday card which she "assumed" she would be getting in the mail.

I think that people nowadays do not really understand the true meanings of birthdays. To them, birthdays mean "It is all ME and M
E and ME!" They expect the world to be revolved around them.

I look at birthdays from a different perspective. Every year on my birthday, I thank my parents. I thank them for bringing me to this world. I thank them for raising me in a safe and harmonious environment. I thank them for staying up late, teaching me math when I was struggling at elementary school. I thank them for bringing me to church where I have created a close relationship with God. I thank them for giving me my very first puppy when I was 10. I thank them for giving me my second puppy when I was 20. I thank them for giving me two lovely and supportive sisters. I thank them for providing me with an education. I thank them for teaching me to distinguish right from wrong. I thank them for passing me all the family values which make me become a responsible citizen. I thank them for their understanding and support when I decided to move to Ottawa in 2001. I thank them for their endless patience when I fell for the wrong guy whom at that time, I thought he was the one. I thank them for lending me their strong arms and shoulders to cry on when the guy broke my heart in my mid 20's. I thank them for telling me the truth, even the truth sometimes hurts. I thank them for their contiunous support, daily guidance and unconditional love. Most important of all, I thank them for accepting Joe and loving Joe as their son!

Baba and Mama... I can't thank you enough for what you have sacraficed and done for me all these years to make me become who I am today. It is my hope that one day when I become a mom, I will be able to follow your footsteps and provide nothing but the best for
my child.

From Baby pics

From Dow's Lake Pics

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