Sunday, April 11, 2010

Swimming Class...

Bethany goes for swimming class (Parent N Tot 1) every Saturday from 9:45am to 10:15am.  So every Saturday morning is a tad hectic at our house.  

Prior to Bethany joining us, our saturday  schedule was rather lazy / leisurely.  Often times, Joe and I would sleep in till 9'ish and then indulge in either a pancake breakfast or all-american breakfast.  Now that Bethany is here, our saturday schedule has changed drastically.  It looks more like:

Wake up at 6am... jump into shower at 6:15am... prepare Bethany's bottle at 6:30am (yup... no more long showers!)... wake up Bethany at 6:50am... change Bethany at 6:55am.. feed Bethany at 7:00am... play with Bethany till 8:15am... give Bethany breakfast (mixed grain cereal with fresh fruits) at 8:30am... change Bethany into her swimming suit at 9:15am... pack everyone in the car and head to Water Baker Center at 9:25am, and be there for the class which starts at 9:45am!

The schedule looks packed and it is, indeed, packed!   By the time the class is done and that everyone has showered, changed into dry clothes and arrived home, it is only 10:45am... but it feels like it is 10:45pm!  

Though Saturday schedule is hectic and often exhausting, the smile on Bethany's face when she is in the water puts a huge and rewarding smile on mine! It is all w.o.r.t.h. it! 

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

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