As a mom, one of the questions that is asked frequently, "Is your baby sleeping through the night?" As first-time parents, Joe and I are very fortunate our little chunky monkey has been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks old. At that time, she went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 6am! Baby sleeping though the night = mommy sleeping the the night!
Two weeks ago, Joe and I started to noticed that Bethany was getting very restless from 7pm till her last bottle (i.e. around 10pm). At first we thought she was just fussy and did not pay much attention to it, and we even joked that the "witching hour" at our house started at 7pm and ran till 10pm. Though the witching hours only lasted three hours, it seemed to be the longest three hours ever! We tried putting Bethany in the swing, in the rocker, in the bumbo, on the mat, and none of these seemed to work. One night, out of the blue, Joe and I decided to feed Bethany a bit early (at 7:30pm), and our little princess fell asleep during the feed!
Finally it dawned on me that our daughter has been trying to tell us that she needs to get to bed early, not 11pm, not 10:30pm, not 9:30pm, not 9pm, not 8:30pm, and it has to be at 7pm. Once she gets her last bottle, we put her in her crib, and she is happily sleeping through the night. The night we found out this trick was January 2... and Bethany looked at me when I was feeding her, "F.I.N.A.L.L.Y.! Mommy you got it! I have been trying to tell you that I need to go sleep-sleep at 7pm!"
I think I have won the 2010 Worst Mommy Award of depriving my daughter of her beauty sleep. For the last few months, I had been keeping her up till 10:30pm... and no wonder she was so cranky at nights!
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