Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week 14 -- February 23 to March 2, 2009

Monday February 23

I am officially in T2! Friends told me that once I am in T2, the morning sickess (well for me, it is more of a all-day sickness) should die down, and my appetitie should pick up, and that's when I am going to be super huge.

I came down with a cold last week in Vancouver. Funny thing is that it was +14c in Vancouver, with no rain and no snow. How is the possible that I got sick?

I went to my old family doctor in Vancouver and he would not prescribe me with any medications. He suggested I take Tynenol (which is safe for pregnant women), lots of fluids, lemon and honey tea.

When I woke up this morning, my nose was so stuffed up that I could barely breathe. Spending the last day of the vacation, sneezing, coughing, and blowing the nose was not part of my plan!

Joe came home early to take me to the doctor as I felt that my cold had escalated. The docotor would not prescribe me with any medications, but she suggested saline spray and Betasils. Long sigh... I guess this is the joy of pregnancy!

Tuesday February 24

It is a miracle that I dragged myself out of the bed and went to work today! My nose is as stuffed up as yesterday, and I "consumed" a box of kleenex!

Wednesday February 25

When I woke up, I was so sick that I did not even know if it was the morning sickness or the cold. I stayed home for the day.

Thursday February 26

I felt better today! Joe and I went to our first pre-natal class this evening at St Joseph High School here in Barrhaven. The pre-natal class is offered by the City of Ottawa, Public Health Services. It was a fun class as the expectant moms could get together and just talk! We discussed from morning sickness to IPS testing to breastfeeding. The expectant fathers also got together to discuss about the changes they observed in their pregnant wives... and they came up with "emotions vary"! Men are creatures with few words!

Friday February 27

One thing we discussed at the pre-natal class kept me thinking for the whole day. The nurse asked if any couple whose families are out of town. Knowing all along the Joe and I are all alone in the city is one thing, but admitting in front of the whole crowd is another thing. I had a good cry on the way home, and Joe got very worried. We have good friends here in Ottawa, but friends are different from families. I think I am a typical first time expectant mother. I worry about anything and everything. Here are my worries (just to name a few):
1. what if the IPS testing screened positive?
2. what if the baby is not healthy?
3. what if the baby does not have 10 fingers and 10 toes?
4. what if the baby has a brain tumor? (Joe's nephew was borned with a brain tumor. As the kid grows, so does the size of the tumor) I goggled brain tumor in children the other day, and ended up reading tons of horrifying information that I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the nigh.
5. what if I am not a good mother?
6. what if Joe is not a good father?
...this list goes on and on, depends on how much free time I have during the day.

Sadly, I came to the realization that Joe and I do not have our families to turn to. My mother will be coming out in August and stay for a month after the baby is born. Annette, the baby's godmother is going to help too. But my mom will eventually go home and Annette has her life too. I am just worried and scared about the uncertainties ahead of us. I feel helpness. Moving back to Vancouver has always been a plan. Last night Joe and I had a long discussion, and I told him once again that I want to move back home. Before I got pregnant, Joe thought I was just joking or that I was just homesick. But after my emotional upswings yesterday, he finally understands what I feel and how I feel. I am sure he will need to give this idea some thoughts, but eventually, I am sure we will be moving to Vancouver!

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