Monday February 23
I am officially in T2! Friends told me that once I am in T2, the morning sickess (well for me, it is more of a all-day sickness) should die down, and my appetitie should pick up, and that's when I am going to be super huge.
I came down with a cold last week in Vancouver. Funny thing is that it was +14c in Vancouver, with no rain and no snow. How is the possible that I got sick?
I went to my old family doctor in Vancouver and he would not prescribe me with any medications. He suggested I take Tynenol (which is safe for pregnant women), lots of fluids, lemon and honey tea.
When I woke up this morning, my nose was so stuffed up that I could barely breathe. Spending the last day of the vacation, sneezing, coughing, and blowing the nose was not part of my plan!
Joe came home early to take me to the doctor as I felt that my cold had escalated. The docotor would not prescribe me with any medications, but she suggested saline spray and Betasils. Long sigh... I guess this is the joy of pregnancy!
Tuesday February 24
It is a miracle that I dragged myself out of the bed and went to work today! My nose is as stuffed up as yesterday, and I "consumed" a box of kleenex!
Wednesday February 25
When I woke up, I was so sick that I did not even know if it was the morning sickness or the cold. I stayed home for the day.
Thursday February 26
I felt better today! Joe and I went to our first pre-natal class this evening at St Joseph High School here in Barrhaven. The pre-natal class is offered by the City of Ottawa, Public Health Services. It was a fun class as the expectant moms could get together and just talk! We discussed from morning sickness to IPS testing to breastfeeding. The expectant fathers also got together to discuss about the changes they observed in their pregnant wives... and they came up with "emotions vary"! Men are creatures with few words!
Friday February 27
One thing we discussed at the pre-natal class kept me thinking for the whole day. The nurse asked if any couple whose families are out of town. Knowing all along the Joe and I are all alone in the city is one thing, but admitting in front of the whole crowd is another thing. I had a good cry on the way home, and Joe got very worried. We have good friends here in Ottawa, but friends are different from families. I think I am a typical first time expectant mother. I worry about anything and everything. Here are my worries (just to name a few):
1. what if the IPS testing screened positive?
2. what if the baby is not healthy?
3. what if the baby does not have 10 fingers and 10 toes?
4. what if the baby has a brain tumor? (Joe's nephew was borned with a brain tumor. As the kid grows, so does the size of the tumor) I goggled brain tumor in children the other day, and ended up reading tons of horrifying information that I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the nigh.
5. what if I am not a good mother?
6. what if Joe is not a good father?
...this list goes on and on, depends on how much free time I have during the day.
Sadly, I came to the realization that Joe and I do not have our families to turn to. My mother will be coming out in August and stay for a month after the baby is born. Annette, the baby's godmother is going to help too. But my mom will eventually go home and Annette has her life too. I am just worried and scared about the uncertainties ahead of us. I feel helpness. Moving back to Vancouver has always been a plan. Last night Joe and I had a long discussion, and I told him once again that I want to move back home. Before I got pregnant, Joe thought I was just joking or that I was just homesick. But after my emotional upswings yesterday, he finally understands what I feel and how I feel. I am sure he will need to give this idea some thoughts, but eventually, I am sure we will be moving to Vancouver!
"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love." Mildred B. Vermont
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Words is a speech or talk; to express one's emotion in words.
In the older times, people write diaries to express their feelings and emotions. In modern days, people write blogs.
I write from my heart. I write what I saw, what I heard and what I experienced. I am not a good writer like my friend, Genevieve, who is able to turn her thoughts into a piece of art. However, I love to write, I write about things or events in our married life. Events can be good or sad, but it is part of our life.
In the older times, people write diaries to express their feelings and emotions. In modern days, people write blogs.
I write from my heart. I write what I saw, what I heard and what I experienced. I am not a good writer like my friend, Genevieve, who is able to turn her thoughts into a piece of art. However, I love to write, I write about things or events in our married life. Events can be good or sad, but it is part of our life.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My sister Loretta
Week 13
Week 13 -- February 16 - 22, 2009
* This week was spent in sunny Vancouver with Dad and Mom!
Monday Feb 16
Dad, Mom and I went Dim Sum this morning. Dim Sum in Vancouver is 100x better than that in Ottawa. After dim sum, we went to BabiesRus to look at nursery furniture.
At first, Joe and I had our eyes on the Storkcraft Crib and were planning to order through Walmart. After seeing the actual product at BabiesRus, I decided not to go with it as it is not made of solid wood and does not look one bit sturdy at all. Mom and I both like the Delta's Martinique Convertible Crib. I know this sounds crazy, but I kicked and pushed the crib around at the store to make sure it looks sturdy. I did attract quite a crowd at the store.
Babies can't talk. How would I know our baby will like the crib that we picked for him/her? Crib will be the very first piece of furniture introduced to the baby, and he/she will spend a lot of time in there. II can't help but wonder, if Joe and I pick the wrong crib, will this be a reflection of being bad parents?
Tuesday Feb 17
Mom and I went to Fabricana to look for fabrics. I am slowing but surely growing out of my pre-pregnancy clothes. Other than pants, I refuse to buy any clothes at the maternity stores. Not only are they pricey, they are ugly and non-flattening. As usual, mom came to my rescue. We spent at least two hours at the fabric store, and we walked out with 8 pieces of different fabric. Same as always, pre-pregnancy or during pregnancy stage, my clothes will be one of a kind, tailor made by my mom, with love!
Wednesday Feb 18
Today I woke up with a sore throat. Not so good! I hate sore throat, plus I know that I am not supposed to take any medications during pregnancy. So, I decided to fight it. By mid morning, the sore throat got worse. Mom made me ginseng soup to sooth the throat.
Mom and I went shopping at Oakridge. Shopping no longer means shopping for clothes and shoes for me... it means looking for baby clothes and all baby stuff. We bought a winter jacket for the baby! We also got a lot of ideas on the baby's nursery!
We lunched at White Spot, our favourite restaurant.
One thing to mention: I saw to Peg Perego Pilk P3 strollers and they look so cute, and less clumsy than the Graco ones.... I really want the Peg Perego stroller! Only if they come in pink!
Thursday Feb 19
Mom and I went to another fabric store this morning to look at fabrics for draperies in the house. The place was not busy but I felt a bit claustrophobic. Towards the end, not sure if my cold was surfacing or my morning sickness, I almost fainted. Mom was really worried and she drove me to our family doctor. The doctor did not give me any prescriptions. He suggested lots of water, tea with lemon and honey and lots of rest.
I stayed home for the rest of the day!
Friday Feb 20
Today was shopping for food day. By the time shopping was done... dad needed to give me a second suitcase just to fit all my food in it! :-)
Saturday Feb 21
Today was a leisure day since the following missions had been accomplished:
1. look for a sturdy crib
2. look for fabric for the crib bedding (mom is going to make all the crib bedding plus matching curtain for her very first grandchild!)
3. look for fabric for maternity clothes
4. shop for food
We went out for sushi for dinner... yummy food!
Sunday Feb 22
I woke up early this morning 6:30am! I spent half of the night coughing, and the other half of the night trying to breath through my mouth. Not sure if I will survive the 5 hours flight back to Ottawa. Last time I had a cold and I flew back to Ottawa, I ended up with a very bad case of ear infection, and was ordered by my boss to stay home for a week. Let's just hope that it will not happen this time!
This morning... mom and I will need to go out for one last bit of shopping... chinese pastries... for some reasons Joe LOVES chinese pastries
Today is the last day in T1.... I will officially be in T2 tomorrow! 1/3 of the pregnancy is almost over.... let's hope that the remaining 2/3 will be a smooth ride for me!
* This week was spent in sunny Vancouver with Dad and Mom!
Monday Feb 16
Dad, Mom and I went Dim Sum this morning. Dim Sum in Vancouver is 100x better than that in Ottawa. After dim sum, we went to BabiesRus to look at nursery furniture.
At first, Joe and I had our eyes on the Storkcraft Crib and were planning to order through Walmart. After seeing the actual product at BabiesRus, I decided not to go with it as it is not made of solid wood and does not look one bit sturdy at all. Mom and I both like the Delta's Martinique Convertible Crib. I know this sounds crazy, but I kicked and pushed the crib around at the store to make sure it looks sturdy. I did attract quite a crowd at the store.
Babies can't talk. How would I know our baby will like the crib that we picked for him/her? Crib will be the very first piece of furniture introduced to the baby, and he/she will spend a lot of time in there. II can't help but wonder, if Joe and I pick the wrong crib, will this be a reflection of being bad parents?
Tuesday Feb 17
Mom and I went to Fabricana to look for fabrics. I am slowing but surely growing out of my pre-pregnancy clothes. Other than pants, I refuse to buy any clothes at the maternity stores. Not only are they pricey, they are ugly and non-flattening. As usual, mom came to my rescue. We spent at least two hours at the fabric store, and we walked out with 8 pieces of different fabric. Same as always, pre-pregnancy or during pregnancy stage, my clothes will be one of a kind, tailor made by my mom, with love!
Wednesday Feb 18
Today I woke up with a sore throat. Not so good! I hate sore throat, plus I know that I am not supposed to take any medications during pregnancy. So, I decided to fight it. By mid morning, the sore throat got worse. Mom made me ginseng soup to sooth the throat.
Mom and I went shopping at Oakridge. Shopping no longer means shopping for clothes and shoes for me... it means looking for baby clothes and all baby stuff. We bought a winter jacket for the baby! We also got a lot of ideas on the baby's nursery!
We lunched at White Spot, our favourite restaurant.
One thing to mention: I saw to Peg Perego Pilk P3 strollers and they look so cute, and less clumsy than the Graco ones.... I really want the Peg Perego stroller! Only if they come in pink!
Thursday Feb 19
Mom and I went to another fabric store this morning to look at fabrics for draperies in the house. The place was not busy but I felt a bit claustrophobic. Towards the end, not sure if my cold was surfacing or my morning sickness, I almost fainted. Mom was really worried and she drove me to our family doctor. The doctor did not give me any prescriptions. He suggested lots of water, tea with lemon and honey and lots of rest.
I stayed home for the rest of the day!
Friday Feb 20
Today was shopping for food day. By the time shopping was done... dad needed to give me a second suitcase just to fit all my food in it! :-)
Saturday Feb 21
Today was a leisure day since the following missions had been accomplished:
1. look for a sturdy crib
2. look for fabric for the crib bedding (mom is going to make all the crib bedding plus matching curtain for her very first grandchild!)
3. look for fabric for maternity clothes
4. shop for food
We went out for sushi for dinner... yummy food!
Sunday Feb 22
I woke up early this morning 6:30am! I spent half of the night coughing, and the other half of the night trying to breath through my mouth. Not sure if I will survive the 5 hours flight back to Ottawa. Last time I had a cold and I flew back to Ottawa, I ended up with a very bad case of ear infection, and was ordered by my boss to stay home for a week. Let's just hope that it will not happen this time!
This morning... mom and I will need to go out for one last bit of shopping... chinese pastries... for some reasons Joe LOVES chinese pastries
Today is the last day in T1.... I will officially be in T2 tomorrow! 1/3 of the pregnancy is almost over.... let's hope that the remaining 2/3 will be a smooth ride for me!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Week 12

Week 12 -- February 9 - 15, 2009
Monday February 9
I am going home on Sunday... YIPEE!
Tuesday February 10
It was a big mistake to schedule vendor meeting with sensory evaluation at 7:30am! I was "trapped" in the office's test kitchen, and the vendor was cooking pork cutlet, meatballs and sausages. For the first 10 minutes, I was doing ok. Then, things went downhill fast! The smell started to get to me, and within minutes, I headed to the ladies' room (lucky enough it is just right across from the kitchen!), the thought of staying in the ladies' room till the taste test was over had crossed my mind dozens of times.
Wednesday February 11
Today was a "Magical" day! I had my very first pregnancy ultrasound today!!! I went for IPS testing #1 which consists of an ultrasound (at 12 weeks) and a bloodwork.
At the beginning of the ultrasound, I saw shadows in the monitor, which do not resemble the shape of a baby. I looked at Joe and he was super quiet. I was confused...
so I said to the technician, "What exactly are we looking at here?" He replies, "Oh! We are looking at your placenta!" I then said, "Good! Coz' for a moment there, I thought I was looking at my baby!" (Later that day, Joe told me that when I asked that question, he was thinking about Rachael in Friends, when she had her ultrasound, and that all she said was, "I can't see!". Joe was worried that I was going to be Rachael and the burst into tears just because I can't see the baby!)
After taking at least dozens of pictures of the placenta, the technician progessed to the baby! And yes, I saw it! There she was (or he was!), with little hands, little legs and head! That was a magical moment! Then I heard someone sobbing... Joe! He is the emotional one between the two of us!
After numerous "ohhh" and "aww", we picked the best picture of our baby and ordered a print! The very first picture of our baby!!!! :-)
Joe announced the news to his family tonight. He was on the phone from 7am till midnight! I asked that he called his dad and Sandy first, as I really wanted them to be the first two people to find out the news! So, Joe e-mailed the ultrasound picture to his dad, and then called his dad and asked that he checked his e-mail. A few minutes later, my MIL, Sandy was screaming in the background," OMG! Is this true? Is this what I think it is?" I went to sleep early that night and I missed all the excitement!
Thursday Feb 12
More vendor meetings today.....
Friday Feb 13
Last day at work before my vacation!
Joe and I went to Pho Thai Fusion for our Valentine's Day Dinner.... We both love that place and it is close to home. Dinner was great, and the company was even better!
Saturday Feb 14
I went for a haircut this morning. I walked into the hair salon, and took off my jacket. My hairstylist looked at me and said, "Are you pregnant????" I went, "Will you believe me if I told you I have been eating a bit too much lately and that I have put on weight?" She laughed, "I am a mother of 4, do you really think that I do not know how to tell the difference between a fat woman and a pregnant one... anyway... CONGRATS!!!!!"
Joe and I went to the Ladies' Night, organized by St. Patricks Church. This was our second year attending this event. It was fun night! At the end of the night, we asked Barry and Annette to be the godparents of our baby.
One thing to mention... our friend Annette is so sweet and she has offered to throw me a baby shower! She knows my family is in Vancouver, and Joe and I are pretty much alone in Ottawa, and she wants to make sure I have all the support I need during the pregnancy! She is a sweetie pie and I truly adore her! She calls me once a month to make sure I am doing ok. She became a grandmother a few months ago, and she has tons of information on pregnancy and infant. Her favourite phrase is, "If you have any questions... just call me anytime! I may not have the answers for you rightaway, but I will find out for you!" I love this woman!!!!
Sunday February 15
I woke up at 5am to finish packing.
After 9 hours of flight (Ottawa to Calgary, Calgary to Kelowna, and Kelowna to Vancouver)... I am finally HOME!
Working on my very first baby blanket, my goal is to have it done in a month, so that I can move onto the second blanket.
I wonder how many baby blankets a baby needs? I am making one, and Annette is going to make one as soon as we find out the gender of the baby! My mom is making beddings for the baby! I am sure our baby will be one spoiled baby!
Monday February 9
I am going home on Sunday... YIPEE!
Tuesday February 10
It was a big mistake to schedule vendor meeting with sensory evaluation at 7:30am! I was "trapped" in the office's test kitchen, and the vendor was cooking pork cutlet, meatballs and sausages. For the first 10 minutes, I was doing ok. Then, things went downhill fast! The smell started to get to me, and within minutes, I headed to the ladies' room (lucky enough it is just right across from the kitchen!), the thought of staying in the ladies' room till the taste test was over had crossed my mind dozens of times.
Wednesday February 11
Today was a "Magical" day! I had my very first pregnancy ultrasound today!!! I went for IPS testing #1 which consists of an ultrasound (at 12 weeks) and a bloodwork.
At the beginning of the ultrasound, I saw shadows in the monitor, which do not resemble the shape of a baby. I looked at Joe and he was super quiet. I was confused...
so I said to the technician, "What exactly are we looking at here?" He replies, "Oh! We are looking at your placenta!" I then said, "Good! Coz' for a moment there, I thought I was looking at my baby!" (Later that day, Joe told me that when I asked that question, he was thinking about Rachael in Friends, when she had her ultrasound, and that all she said was, "I can't see!". Joe was worried that I was going to be Rachael and the burst into tears just because I can't see the baby!)
After taking at least dozens of pictures of the placenta, the technician progessed to the baby! And yes, I saw it! There she was (or he was!), with little hands, little legs and head! That was a magical moment! Then I heard someone sobbing... Joe! He is the emotional one between the two of us!
After numerous "ohhh" and "aww", we picked the best picture of our baby and ordered a print! The very first picture of our baby!!!! :-)
Joe announced the news to his family tonight. He was on the phone from 7am till midnight! I asked that he called his dad and Sandy first, as I really wanted them to be the first two people to find out the news! So, Joe e-mailed the ultrasound picture to his dad, and then called his dad and asked that he checked his e-mail. A few minutes later, my MIL, Sandy was screaming in the background," OMG! Is this true? Is this what I think it is?" I went to sleep early that night and I missed all the excitement!
Thursday Feb 12
More vendor meetings today.....
Friday Feb 13
Last day at work before my vacation!
Joe and I went to Pho Thai Fusion for our Valentine's Day Dinner.... We both love that place and it is close to home. Dinner was great, and the company was even better!
Saturday Feb 14
I went for a haircut this morning. I walked into the hair salon, and took off my jacket. My hairstylist looked at me and said, "Are you pregnant????" I went, "Will you believe me if I told you I have been eating a bit too much lately and that I have put on weight?" She laughed, "I am a mother of 4, do you really think that I do not know how to tell the difference between a fat woman and a pregnant one... anyway... CONGRATS!!!!!"
Joe and I went to the Ladies' Night, organized by St. Patricks Church. This was our second year attending this event. It was fun night! At the end of the night, we asked Barry and Annette to be the godparents of our baby.
One thing to mention... our friend Annette is so sweet and she has offered to throw me a baby shower! She knows my family is in Vancouver, and Joe and I are pretty much alone in Ottawa, and she wants to make sure I have all the support I need during the pregnancy! She is a sweetie pie and I truly adore her! She calls me once a month to make sure I am doing ok. She became a grandmother a few months ago, and she has tons of information on pregnancy and infant. Her favourite phrase is, "If you have any questions... just call me anytime! I may not have the answers for you rightaway, but I will find out for you!" I love this woman!!!!
Sunday February 15
I woke up at 5am to finish packing.
After 9 hours of flight (Ottawa to Calgary, Calgary to Kelowna, and Kelowna to Vancouver)... I am finally HOME!
Working on my very first baby blanket, my goal is to have it done in a month, so that I can move onto the second blanket.
I wonder how many baby blankets a baby needs? I am making one, and Annette is going to make one as soon as we find out the gender of the baby! My mom is making beddings for the baby! I am sure our baby will be one spoiled baby!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Week 11
Week 11 -- February 2 - 8, 2009
Monday February 2
Joe's nephew was born with a brain tumor. As the kid grows, so does the size of the tumor. For whatever reasons, his pediatrician has decided not to surgically remove the tumor. He is going to a speech therapist as Joe and I suspect that the brain tumor is affect his language skills. Joe told me that the kid went to the children's hospital in Saint John for a consult a few weeks before Christmas.
Before I became pregnant, I was not too overly concerned about Joe's nephew. After all, I met him only twice and I do not really know him. Today, when I woke up, I could not stop thinking about brain tumor in babies. I goggled "brain tumor in children" and came up with thousand search results. I was only a nano-second away from a panic attack after reading the first search result. I could feel cold sweat creeping up my back. What if this brain tumor thing run in the family? What are the chances that my baby will have the same thing as Joe's nephew? OMG.... what am I going to do?
Throughout the day, I nagged and nagged Joe to find out from his sister the proper name of the brain tumor. I came to the realization that there was no point in panicking at this stage without even knowing the medical name of the brain tumor that Cody (Joe's nephew) has. So Joe called his sister at night, and asked about the name of the medical condition. Surprisingly, she can't remember the proper name. I wonder if this is even remotely possible!!!!
Huge Roadblock.... Action Plan: I will call Sandy, my mother-in-law, once Joe announces to his family that I am pregnant, to find out. Hopefully, I will be able to find out the information before my next OB / GYN appointment.
Thursday February 5
Sadly, I have come to the realization that none of my funky jeans fit anymore. I have accepted the fact that I will be wearing maternity pants from now on. Surprisingly, maternity pants are super comfy as there is no zipper or button. The sales associate at Thyme Maternity reassured me that the pants will carry me through the entire pregnancy. So, I guess as I become bigger, the pants will miraculously become bigger and wider? Is this even possible? I am skeptical!
Saturday Feb 6
Joe is off winter camping. Bee Bee and I are holding down the fort. Virginia and I went dim sum. I asked Virginia to be the godmother of the baby, and she said yes!!!! Yay! baby now has a godmother. Joe is going to ask our friend Barry to be the godfather.... not sure when Joe going to ask though!
Sunday Feb 7
I woke up without much energy. I could not help by wonder... where did the night go? Morning sickness is still bad, but manageable.
I msn-ed with Sandy this morning. I really wanted to tell her and Carl that I am pregnant! Long sigh.... this waiting game is killing me here. Ok... hang in there... two more weeks, Joe and I will be able to do the proper announcement.
Monday February 2
Joe's nephew was born with a brain tumor. As the kid grows, so does the size of the tumor. For whatever reasons, his pediatrician has decided not to surgically remove the tumor. He is going to a speech therapist as Joe and I suspect that the brain tumor is affect his language skills. Joe told me that the kid went to the children's hospital in Saint John for a consult a few weeks before Christmas.
Before I became pregnant, I was not too overly concerned about Joe's nephew. After all, I met him only twice and I do not really know him. Today, when I woke up, I could not stop thinking about brain tumor in babies. I goggled "brain tumor in children" and came up with thousand search results. I was only a nano-second away from a panic attack after reading the first search result. I could feel cold sweat creeping up my back. What if this brain tumor thing run in the family? What are the chances that my baby will have the same thing as Joe's nephew? OMG.... what am I going to do?
Throughout the day, I nagged and nagged Joe to find out from his sister the proper name of the brain tumor. I came to the realization that there was no point in panicking at this stage without even knowing the medical name of the brain tumor that Cody (Joe's nephew) has. So Joe called his sister at night, and asked about the name of the medical condition. Surprisingly, she can't remember the proper name. I wonder if this is even remotely possible!!!!
Huge Roadblock.... Action Plan: I will call Sandy, my mother-in-law, once Joe announces to his family that I am pregnant, to find out. Hopefully, I will be able to find out the information before my next OB / GYN appointment.
Thursday February 5
Sadly, I have come to the realization that none of my funky jeans fit anymore. I have accepted the fact that I will be wearing maternity pants from now on. Surprisingly, maternity pants are super comfy as there is no zipper or button. The sales associate at Thyme Maternity reassured me that the pants will carry me through the entire pregnancy. So, I guess as I become bigger, the pants will miraculously become bigger and wider? Is this even possible? I am skeptical!
Saturday Feb 6
Joe is off winter camping. Bee Bee and I are holding down the fort. Virginia and I went dim sum. I asked Virginia to be the godmother of the baby, and she said yes!!!! Yay! baby now has a godmother. Joe is going to ask our friend Barry to be the godfather.... not sure when Joe going to ask though!
Sunday Feb 7
I woke up without much energy. I could not help by wonder... where did the night go? Morning sickness is still bad, but manageable.
I msn-ed with Sandy this morning. I really wanted to tell her and Carl that I am pregnant! Long sigh.... this waiting game is killing me here. Ok... hang in there... two more weeks, Joe and I will be able to do the proper announcement.
Week 10
Week 10 -- January 26 - February 1, 2009
January 26 -- Happy Chinese New Year!
Just out of curiosity, I quickly goggled the astrology of Rabbit in the Year of Ox.
First OB / GYN appointment. My doctor is Dr. Jessica Dy. Everything went well, and I got a prescription of Dietlin (anti-nausea medication for expectant mothers) due to my excessive vomiting. It is good to have the medication on hand, but I have decided not to take any medication if I can tolerate the discomfort.
Next OB/ GYN appointment is March 4, 2009. Due date is Aug 24!
Joe and I went out for dinner to celebrate Chinese New Year. We went to M.H.K. Sushi on Merivale Road. We had been there once, food is good, ambiance is great. I had Tum Yum Soup and some sushi rolls (everything all cooked, no raw fish!). For some reason, food I used to like don't sit well in my stomach anymore. I was very nauseous when I got home and I had to run for the bathroom.
One thing I find it difficult at this stage of the pregnancy is the nausea and the metallic taste in my mouth. I am keeping my fingers crossed that things will get better when T1 is over... still 3 more weeks to go!
January 26 -- Happy Chinese New Year!
Just out of curiosity, I quickly goggled the astrology of Rabbit in the Year of Ox.
First OB / GYN appointment. My doctor is Dr. Jessica Dy. Everything went well, and I got a prescription of Dietlin (anti-nausea medication for expectant mothers) due to my excessive vomiting. It is good to have the medication on hand, but I have decided not to take any medication if I can tolerate the discomfort.
Next OB/ GYN appointment is March 4, 2009. Due date is Aug 24!
Joe and I went out for dinner to celebrate Chinese New Year. We went to M.H.K. Sushi on Merivale Road. We had been there once, food is good, ambiance is great. I had Tum Yum Soup and some sushi rolls (everything all cooked, no raw fish!). For some reason, food I used to like don't sit well in my stomach anymore. I was very nauseous when I got home and I had to run for the bathroom.
One thing I find it difficult at this stage of the pregnancy is the nausea and the metallic taste in my mouth. I am keeping my fingers crossed that things will get better when T1 is over... still 3 more weeks to go!
Week 9
Week 9 -- January 19 - 25, 2009
January 24, 2009
Doctor's appointment with the family doctor. Blood test results indicated that I am pregnant. Of course I am pregnant or how would I be able to explain the nausea, headaches, dizziness and lack of energy.
Oh... I found out that my blood type is B+.
Blood pressure dropped since my last doctor's appointment. Doctor said it is normal and I guess that explains about the dizziness.
Two days till Chinese New Year.... Our baby will be an Ox. He / She will be strong and stubborn!
January 24, 2009
Doctor's appointment with the family doctor. Blood test results indicated that I am pregnant. Of course I am pregnant or how would I be able to explain the nausea, headaches, dizziness and lack of energy.
Oh... I found out that my blood type is B+.
Blood pressure dropped since my last doctor's appointment. Doctor said it is normal and I guess that explains about the dizziness.
Two days till Chinese New Year.... Our baby will be an Ox. He / She will be strong and stubborn!
Week 8
Week 8 -- January 12 - 18, 2009
January 13 Tuesday
I woke up feeling the world is spinning around me. Morning sickness is at its peak. I know today was going to be a long day. Made a quite sensible decision of staying home for the day.
I spent most of the day sleeping... and dizziness disappeared around noon. I was actually hungry, but was too afraid to deal with what comes after having food in my stomach.
Seriously... how can people put on weight during pregnancy, when they spend more of their time throwing up after every meal?
January 13 Tuesday
I woke up feeling the world is spinning around me. Morning sickness is at its peak. I know today was going to be a long day. Made a quite sensible decision of staying home for the day.
I spent most of the day sleeping... and dizziness disappeared around noon. I was actually hungry, but was too afraid to deal with what comes after having food in my stomach.
Seriously... how can people put on weight during pregnancy, when they spend more of their time throwing up after every meal?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Week 7
Week 7 -- January 6, 2009
First day back to work! What a great start of the new year... knowing that I am carrying a baby inside me! Hahaha... no one knows and no one would even suspect that I am pregnant!
January 7, 2009
Ok... perhaps afterall, I am not so lucky. Morning Sickness paid a visit this morning as soon as I got out of bed. Ok... what is the metallic taste in my mouth? I brushed my teeth a few times (If I kept brushing, I am sure my gum would bleed!) and the metallic taste seems to linger. Ok something is wrong!
Mid morning I went for coffee break with my cowokers as usual. The cafeteria was serving breakfast till 10am. I walked by the hot breakfast station, Ms. Morning Sickness came by to say a quick hello... and off I went to the ladies's room.
January 10, 2009
Saturday morning. I usually wake up at the crack of dawn. For some reason, this morning, I wanted to sleep in. Acutally, I feel like staying in bed all day.
Ever since I found out I am pregnant, Joe has taken over the dog-walking department. Bee Bee was confused at the beginning. It did not take this little pooch long to adjust to the change of dog-walker!
Joe was cooking breakfast in the kitchen when I finally got out of bed. Gosh... did I smell eggs? This is not good.... Code Red Alert... I ran for the bathroom.
I spent the rest of the morning watching Chinese Episodes (part of the care package mom sends me once every three months). Shortly after 1pm, I dozed off on the couch. By the time I woke up, the sun was gone!
January 11, 2009
Nothing special happend today. I pretty much repeated what I did on Saturday, except one thing. I told Joe to have cereal for breakfast. Absolutely no cooking in the kitchen please and thank you!
First day back to work! What a great start of the new year... knowing that I am carrying a baby inside me! Hahaha... no one knows and no one would even suspect that I am pregnant!
January 7, 2009
Ok... perhaps afterall, I am not so lucky. Morning Sickness paid a visit this morning as soon as I got out of bed. Ok... what is the metallic taste in my mouth? I brushed my teeth a few times (If I kept brushing, I am sure my gum would bleed!) and the metallic taste seems to linger. Ok something is wrong!
Mid morning I went for coffee break with my cowokers as usual. The cafeteria was serving breakfast till 10am. I walked by the hot breakfast station, Ms. Morning Sickness came by to say a quick hello... and off I went to the ladies's room.
January 10, 2009
Saturday morning. I usually wake up at the crack of dawn. For some reason, this morning, I wanted to sleep in. Acutally, I feel like staying in bed all day.
Ever since I found out I am pregnant, Joe has taken over the dog-walking department. Bee Bee was confused at the beginning. It did not take this little pooch long to adjust to the change of dog-walker!
Joe was cooking breakfast in the kitchen when I finally got out of bed. Gosh... did I smell eggs? This is not good.... Code Red Alert... I ran for the bathroom.
I spent the rest of the morning watching Chinese Episodes (part of the care package mom sends me once every three months). Shortly after 1pm, I dozed off on the couch. By the time I woke up, the sun was gone!
January 11, 2009
Nothing special happend today. I pretty much repeated what I did on Saturday, except one thing. I told Joe to have cereal for breakfast. Absolutely no cooking in the kitchen please and thank you!
Week 6
Week 6 -- Dec 29, 2009
I went for bloodwork after dropping Joe off at work this morning. 8 viles of blood? Seriously what are they testing for?
I went shopping for maternity clothes. I know it is early, and I am not even showing yet. Years of shopping experience tell me that there are often huge sales after christmas. I wonder if this applies to maternity clothes too.
I went to Thyme Maternity. It must be a slow day at the store, so I got first-class service. Ok, clothes look strange in the store. 3-in-1 jeans? Belly Supporter? Belly Cream? Tees that are super stretchy and long (almost as long as a mini one piece dress)???? Seriously, I was totally lost!
2 1/2 hours later, I walked out of the store with $300 worth of products. Apparently those 3-in-1 jeans that I bought will last me through the whole pregnancy? Not sure if there is any validity to it, but time will tell right?
Week 6 -- Dec 30/08 to Jan 4/09
Happy New Year! This year will be extra special for Joe and me... we are going to be PARENTS!!!!
Week 6... still no morning sickness... am I lucky or not?
I went for bloodwork after dropping Joe off at work this morning. 8 viles of blood? Seriously what are they testing for?
I went shopping for maternity clothes. I know it is early, and I am not even showing yet. Years of shopping experience tell me that there are often huge sales after christmas. I wonder if this applies to maternity clothes too.
I went to Thyme Maternity. It must be a slow day at the store, so I got first-class service. Ok, clothes look strange in the store. 3-in-1 jeans? Belly Supporter? Belly Cream? Tees that are super stretchy and long (almost as long as a mini one piece dress)???? Seriously, I was totally lost!
2 1/2 hours later, I walked out of the store with $300 worth of products. Apparently those 3-in-1 jeans that I bought will last me through the whole pregnancy? Not sure if there is any validity to it, but time will tell right?
Week 6 -- Dec 30/08 to Jan 4/09
Happy New Year! This year will be extra special for Joe and me... we are going to be PARENTS!!!!
Week 6... still no morning sickness... am I lucky or not?
Week 5
Week 5 -- Dec 23, 2008
Doctor's Appointment!
My family doctor suggested IPS (Intergrated Pre-Natal Screening) testing.
After a 15-min interview on family history, health conditions, and pregnancy 101... the doctor sent us home with two things:
1. get prenatal vitamins
2. think about IPS testing
The doctor did warn me about morning sickness... what morning sickness? I feel perfectly fine! I seriously think that I am one of the lucky expectant mothers that will never cross path with morning sickness!
Dad and Mom are the first (well other than hubby Joe) to know about the news!
Week 5 -- Dec 25, 2008
People say that pregant women are very sensitive to smell. Mom told me that food that I like before I got pregnant will all of a sudden become something unbearable. Chicken, Turkey and Fish are the top three items on the list.
I managed to cook the entire turkey dinner without feeling sick at all... another sign indicating that I am going to be a good lucky preggo!
Week 5 -- Dec 26, 2008
Joe and I went Boxing Day Shopping... I was too tired to cook dinner. Plus, there were tons of leftovers in the fridge. Joe heated up a plate of turkey with the dressings. As soon as I walked into the kitchen... my stomach turned. " What is that smell?" The savory smell of turkey, all of a sudden, smelled like rotten garbage to me. Throughout Joe's dinner, I kept asking him if the turkey was actually rotten!
Doctor's Appointment!
My family doctor suggested IPS (Intergrated Pre-Natal Screening) testing.
After a 15-min interview on family history, health conditions, and pregnancy 101... the doctor sent us home with two things:
1. get prenatal vitamins
2. think about IPS testing
The doctor did warn me about morning sickness... what morning sickness? I feel perfectly fine! I seriously think that I am one of the lucky expectant mothers that will never cross path with morning sickness!
Dad and Mom are the first (well other than hubby Joe) to know about the news!
Week 5 -- Dec 25, 2008
People say that pregant women are very sensitive to smell. Mom told me that food that I like before I got pregnant will all of a sudden become something unbearable. Chicken, Turkey and Fish are the top three items on the list.
I managed to cook the entire turkey dinner without feeling sick at all... another sign indicating that I am going to be a good lucky preggo!
Week 5 -- Dec 26, 2008
Joe and I went Boxing Day Shopping... I was too tired to cook dinner. Plus, there were tons of leftovers in the fridge. Joe heated up a plate of turkey with the dressings. As soon as I walked into the kitchen... my stomach turned. " What is that smell?" The savory smell of turkey, all of a sudden, smelled like rotten garbage to me. Throughout Joe's dinner, I kept asking him if the turkey was actually rotten!
Week 4 1/2
Week 4 1/2 -- Thursday December 18, 2008
When I woke up this morning, I knew something was wrong. I think I had a vague idea of what it is... but there is one place I need to go to find out for sure.
On our way home tonight, we stopped by at Shoppers Drug Mart, and bought "the world's most sophiscated tool" for a woman to ___ on (well, at least that's what they said on the commerical)! It did not take long for me to confirm my supsicion.... when the double lines appeared in the small window!
The next thing I did... " Joe.....'d better come upstairs! I am in the bathroom!"
Week 4 1/2 -- Friday December 19, 2008
I woke up in cold sweat this morning. I had a few glasses of wine at the company's christmas party two fridays ago... Gosh! I was cursing myself while I was brushing my teeth. "What was I thinking at the christmas party! If I knew I was pregnant, I would have stayed away from alcohol!"
Mental note to myself: CODE RED to-do-task once arrive at the office: call the doctor!
1/2 hour late, I got myself an appointment with my family doctor on Dec 23, 2008.
When we got home from work, Joe looked upset. I was like, "I am pregnant... why are you upset?" Apparently, Joe got his christmas present from him mom in the mail last night. When he unwrapped the brown shipping paper, he noticed that the gift was addressed as "To My Son.".
Joe was furious when he found out about it. Just that the night before, we were both surprised and overwhelmed with the "BFP" good news, and he sort of put his anger aside. Joe asked if I was upset. He was going to call his mom and confront her. I stoped him. Honestly, I was not upset at all. Not even one tiny bit! I knew along this would happen.
Joe's mom and I do not and will never see things eye to eye. I am very certain that our paths will never cross. Things she said in the past caused a lot of un-necessary tension between Joe and me. This has left me with a lot of ill feelings. To this date, I can't forget or forgive that she asked Joe not to marry me, even after Joe had proposed. Fortunately, Joe is a strong and reasonable man. He is always on my side and he understands my reasonings and he supports my decision. Tha't why I love my husband.
Enough of the negatvities... let's move back to the happy news.... AFTERALL, I AM PREGNANT!
Week 4 1/2 -- Saturday December 20, 2008
I dragged Joe to Indigo Books in Barrhaven this morning. I got myself a copy of "What to Expect When Expecting" and Joe got himself a copy of "Expectant Father".
OK... time to read up on all information about pregnancy and babies!
When I woke up this morning, I knew something was wrong. I think I had a vague idea of what it is... but there is one place I need to go to find out for sure.
On our way home tonight, we stopped by at Shoppers Drug Mart, and bought "the world's most sophiscated tool" for a woman to ___ on (well, at least that's what they said on the commerical)! It did not take long for me to confirm my supsicion.... when the double lines appeared in the small window!
The next thing I did... " Joe.....'d better come upstairs! I am in the bathroom!"
Week 4 1/2 -- Friday December 19, 2008
I woke up in cold sweat this morning. I had a few glasses of wine at the company's christmas party two fridays ago... Gosh! I was cursing myself while I was brushing my teeth. "What was I thinking at the christmas party! If I knew I was pregnant, I would have stayed away from alcohol!"
Mental note to myself: CODE RED to-do-task once arrive at the office: call the doctor!
1/2 hour late, I got myself an appointment with my family doctor on Dec 23, 2008.
When we got home from work, Joe looked upset. I was like, "I am pregnant... why are you upset?" Apparently, Joe got his christmas present from him mom in the mail last night. When he unwrapped the brown shipping paper, he noticed that the gift was addressed as "To My Son.".
Joe was furious when he found out about it. Just that the night before, we were both surprised and overwhelmed with the "BFP" good news, and he sort of put his anger aside. Joe asked if I was upset. He was going to call his mom and confront her. I stoped him. Honestly, I was not upset at all. Not even one tiny bit! I knew along this would happen.
Joe's mom and I do not and will never see things eye to eye. I am very certain that our paths will never cross. Things she said in the past caused a lot of un-necessary tension between Joe and me. This has left me with a lot of ill feelings. To this date, I can't forget or forgive that she asked Joe not to marry me, even after Joe had proposed. Fortunately, Joe is a strong and reasonable man. He is always on my side and he understands my reasonings and he supports my decision. Tha't why I love my husband.
Enough of the negatvities... let's move back to the happy news.... AFTERALL, I AM PREGNANT!
Week 4 1/2 -- Saturday December 20, 2008
I dragged Joe to Indigo Books in Barrhaven this morning. I got myself a copy of "What to Expect When Expecting" and Joe got himself a copy of "Expectant Father".
OK... time to read up on all information about pregnancy and babies!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Price of Having Children
... I found this interesting article on the other day... And it is truly amazing!
This is something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice.
The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family. Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition.
But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:
* $8,896.66 a year,
* $741.38 a month, or
* $171.08 a week.
* That's a mere $24.24 a day!
* Just over a dollar an hour.
Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be 'rich.'
Actually, it is just the opposite. What do you get for your $160,140?
* Naming rights. First, middle, and last!
* Glimpses of God every day.
* Giggles under the covers every night.
* More love than your heart can hold.
* Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.
* Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.
* A hand to hold, usually covered with jelly or chocolate.
* A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites
For $160,140, you never have to grow up. You get to:
* finger-paint,
* carve pumpkins,
* play hide-and-seek,
* catch lightning bugs, and
* never stop believing in Santa Claus.
You have an excuse to:
* keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
* watching Saturday morning cartoons,
* going to Disney movies, and
* wishing on stars.
* You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.
For $160,140, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for:
* retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,
* taking the training wheels off a bike,
* removing a splinter,
* filling a wading pool,
* coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream or pizza regardless.
You get a front row seat to history, to witness the:
* first step,
* first word,
* first bra,
* first date, and
* first time behind the wheel.
You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.
In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God. You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits. So, one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!
*** For all the parents and grandparetns out there... Love & enjoy your children & grandchildren!!!!!!!
This is something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice.
The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family. Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition.
But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:
* $8,896.66 a year,
* $741.38 a month, or
* $171.08 a week.
* That's a mere $24.24 a day!
* Just over a dollar an hour.
Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be 'rich.'
Actually, it is just the opposite. What do you get for your $160,140?
* Naming rights. First, middle, and last!
* Glimpses of God every day.
* Giggles under the covers every night.
* More love than your heart can hold.
* Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.
* Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.
* A hand to hold, usually covered with jelly or chocolate.
* A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites
For $160,140, you never have to grow up. You get to:
* finger-paint,
* carve pumpkins,
* play hide-and-seek,
* catch lightning bugs, and
* never stop believing in Santa Claus.
You have an excuse to:
* keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
* watching Saturday morning cartoons,
* going to Disney movies, and
* wishing on stars.
* You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.
For $160,140, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for:
* retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,
* taking the training wheels off a bike,
* removing a splinter,
* filling a wading pool,
* coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream or pizza regardless.
You get a front row seat to history, to witness the:
* first step,
* first word,
* first bra,
* first date, and
* first time behind the wheel.
You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.
In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God. You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits. So, one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!
*** For all the parents and grandparetns out there... Love & enjoy your children & grandchildren!!!!!!!
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