This morning, I went through all my Partylite possessions and decided to part with them.
I go through different phases in my life. Two years ago, I went through the knitting and crocheting phase, and I had enrolled in a few different knitting and crocheting class with Yarn Forward. I spent hours and hours going through knitting magazines and wandering at Yarn stores. During this phase, I did manage to crochet a few hats, knit a few scarfs, crochet a dog (which looks a bit like a tripod-dog), start on a sweater coat (but never get around to finish it.)
About a year and a half ago, I went through a phase of partylite. I was obsessed with partylite candles. I hosted two parties, got a lot of "free" stuff, bought tons of candles (tealights, votives, pillars, 3 wick), you name it, I have it! By the end of last summer, I had enough candles to light up the entire street if ever the power went out! Joe knows me very well, and he knows that I go through different phases, and these phases come and go. My partylite-phase lasted for about 10 months and it eventually vanished. However, I was left with tons of partylite candles and holders, mocking at me everyday, about how silly and irrational I was for the last 10 months.
This morning, when I woke up... out of the blue, I knew it is time to say goodbye to them. I got out of bed, jumped into the shower, went to the kitchen, made myself a big pot of coffee, and started taking pics of each one of my "then-precious" parytlite items, then one by one, I patiently posted them onto www.usedottawa.com.
While I was posting the items, I began to question myself if I am going through a new phrase. Even I could not answer this question. I have a feeling that I sort of understand the meaning of "less is more" and the idea of "minimalism". I looked around myself and began to realize Joe and I had accumulated a lot of items (a.k.a junk) through time, and perhaps it is time to clean house. I had my very first partylite business transaction tonight... the lady came and walked out with three Sunesta hurricane vases (11". 13" and 15") which used to sit on the sofa table. Was I sad? Amazingly, I was not! I was actually surprised that there are people out there who would pay that much for something I used to value a lot!
Do all people go through material-phases in their lives, or is it just me? I wonder...
I think your current phase is growing herbs
I used to have a peanut butter phase! That's lasted for about twenty-five years so far!!!!
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