"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love." Mildred B. Vermont
Friday, July 31, 2009
Week 36 -- July 27 - Aug 2, 2009
Friday July 31
So as I am nearing the end of the pregnancy, I have started to think about what I have enjoyed or not so much enjoyed about my pregnancy:
Good: Feeling the baby move and hearing the heartbeat is just an amazing experience. The first time I felt the baby's hiccup is a breath-taking experience.
Bad: The swelling and pain in my hands. It started when I was 33 weeks, and it is just getting worse everyday. Not being able to sleep at night makes me just one cranky mom-to-be
Ugly: Other than those two N.B. drama queens who pulled yet another annoying freak show when I was in the second trimester, I must say that my pregnancy has been one lucky and smooth one so far! My parents, my hubby and our friends Barry and Annette have been extremely wonderful and supportive! :-)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Week 36 -- July 27 - Aug 3, 2009
Thursday July 30
Woke up at 1am! Could not go back to zzz until like 3am! At this point of my pregnancy, it actually hurts when I try to toss and turn in bed! :-(
Managed to get three hours sleep until Joe's alarm clock went off... woke up with sausage fingers and elephant feet! Well.... correction... sausage fingers do not seem to go away these days. A few weeks ago, I only got them in the middle of the night and by morning, they were gone!
Someone was supposed to come to the house to fix the crack in the foundation, but it was a no-show. While waiting for the crew to arrive, I dozed off (more zzz) on the couch with little pooch Bee Bee!
Woke up around 12 noon.... still no show of the crew. I concluded that they were not coming afterall!
Went to the grocery store to pick out a few items to make tonight's dinner -- Cabbage Rolls! On my way home, I could not fight the tempatation to go to Starbucks and get a Green Tea non fat latte and a slice of lemon poppyseed loaf!
6 more days till my mom arrives in Ottawa! YAY!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Week 36 July 27 - Aug 3, 2009
Wednesday July 29
Great news! Just came back from the doctor! The amniotic fluid index (AFI) was at 6.3 last week (super low) and this week, it is at 9.53 (range between 8-15 is normal). The doctor seemed to be very happy with the result! I guess I did the right thing of drinking 3L of 2% milk last week! :-)
The baby is still in frank breech position (legs over the face, bum down), and at this point, it is highly unlikely that she will be able to turn head down by herself. Therefore, the aversion procedure next Tuesday is the only way to help her turn. If she does turn, I will be able to deliver vaginally! If not, we will opt for c-section which will be done between 39 weeks and 40 weeks! That means baby Bethany can stay in mommy's tummy for a few more weeks and pack more weight!
Joe and I are both relieved to know that the baby is doing great! :-)
I have just e-mailed my preggo friend ME, and Annette. Need to wait for 1/2 hr to call home to break the news to dad and mom! :-)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Week 36 -- July 27 - Aug 3, 2009
Monday July 27
My nesting instincts have finally kicked in! I did three loads of laundry and cooked a pot of chili. Knowing that there is a possibility I might be giving birth this week... I just need to get things done in the house.
Tuesday July 28
Ultrasound appointment at 9:15am. I was so relieved to find out that the amniotic fluid level was higher than last week. A normal AFI (amniotic fluid index) is 12. A range between 8 - 15 is considered normal. However, the baby is still in breech which means the aversion procedure is inevitable. On my way home, I managed to make a quick stop to mail off the thank you cards for all the lovely ladies who came to my baby shower last saturday, and I also managed to get a b-day present for my mom!
When I got home, there was a message from Civic Hospital on our answering machine. My aversion appointment has been moved from July 30 to Aug 4 as the attending physician will not be available on July 30 to do the procedure. This actually works out better for Joe and I. At least, we can enjoy the upcoming long weekend (our last long weekend as a couple... the next one, Labour day long weekend, we will have Baby Bethany with us! :-) )!
Another great news is that the Uppababy Vista stroller has FINALLY arrived! Joe and I had so much trouble getting it! We placed the order in late May, and the stroller was supposed to arrive last week. Last saturday, I got a call from the store saying that the shipment did arrive, but my stroller was not in the shipment! This almost gave me a heart-attack. Last sunday, I spent two hours on the phone, trying to locate a Uppababy in Red (red is a popular color and the only store that carries Uppababy in Ottawa does not have red in stock and they do not know when they will be getting the next shipment!). I ended up calling Tummies & Tots in London, ON. I lucked out as they have three red strollers in stock and they were able to ship out the stroller yesterday (monday) and I received it today! :-) Who would have imagined that buying a $900 worth of stroller will be such a pain? At the end of the day, when I saw the stroller sitting in the living room... I told Joe that all the hassles we went through were nothing at all! :-)
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
Week 35 -- July 20 - 26, 2009
This week has gone by really fast. So fast that I could hardly keep up with all the things happened this week!
Monday July 20
First day back at work after taking a week off (doctor's order). Still had headaches but not as bad as two weeks ago. I started to believe that the work was the source of my headache. I have been working reduced hours (5 hrs per day) since mid June. In theory, my workload should have been reduced, but in reality, I ended up condensing a 9-hour work day into 5 hours. Things got very tough when staff is on vacation or off sick, which happens quite often. So I got to work at 7:30am, started going through 800+ e-mails and 20+ phone messages. I also started cleaning up my desk, knowing that today might be my last day.
Went for ultrasound at 12noon. Baby Bethany was measuring at 4 lb 6 oz (smaller than normal) and she was also in breech position. Heart rate was 135. Long sigh! She is one stubborn baby (and she got the stubborness from me!). She was head down when I was 33 weeks, and two weeks later, she decided to do a sommersault in my stomach. I really think that she has a little plan of her own and I really hope that she will share with me so that I am prepared.
Went for pre-natal appt at 1pm. I told my doctor that I was still experiencing headaches but not as bad as two weeks ago. I was hoping that she would let me go back to work till the first friday in August. After she read the preliminary ultrasound report which indicates that the amniotic fluid was in the low-normal range, she told me that I needed to stop working completely.
Low level of amniotic fluid simply means that baby is not peeing enough, thus not producing enough amniotic fluid. Unfortuately, there was not much I can do to help her produce more of the amniotic fluid. The doctor seemed to be quite concerned about the low level of amniotic fluid and the fact that the baby was in a breech position. So she suggested the following action plan:
1. Ultrasound sound next tuesday to determine if the fluid level is still low or even lower
2. Aversion at Civic Hospital next thursday. Aversion is a manual turning around of the baby, in hopes that she will get into the correct position. The risk factor of aversion is that the membrane might rupture during the procedure, thus bring on labour. If this happens, the doctor will perform an emergency c-section.
It was too much information at that time for me to process and I was not even afraid or worried. At one point, I was not even paying attention to what the doctor had to say. Lucky that Joe was with me at the doctor's office so he managed to take in all information. I went back to the office, filled out a bunch of paperwork and told my boss that I was officially off work till Aug / Sept 2010. The information on the low amniotic fluid / aversion / emergency c-section did not really sink in until I was on my way home.
For the last few weeks, I had this feeling that Baby Bethany would come out earlier than Aug 24, but little did I expect that she might make her first appearance as early as next week when I will be only 36 weeks. I was thinking along the line of 38 / 39 weeks. When I went home, I called mom right away ( I always call her after every doctor's appointments) and broke the news to her. I could sense her worry in her tone, but she stayed calm and managed to calm me down. I felt much better talking to my mom.
On the positive side, Joe and I had our maternity pictures taken in the evening in the Dow's Lake area. The photographer is also a friends of ours. She is a very talented photographer and both Joe and myself are confident that our pictures would turn out fabulous!
Tuesday July 21
With the idea that Baby Bethany might come out next week, I need to make sure all tasks on the to-do-list are to be completed ASAP (two days ago, I thought I still had 5 weeks to finish all tasks!)
1. pack hospital bag -- DONE
2. pack baby's bag -- DONE
3. bought more cloth diapers -- DONE
4. signed up for cloth diaper trial program -- DONE
5. spoke to the own of the cloth diaper store about cloth diapers -- DONE
6. bought an extra pack of new born disposable diapers (our plan is to wait for baby bethany's umbilical cord to come off before starting cloth diapering) -- DONE
7. cook more freezer meals for Joe -- DONE (so far, I had made spinach ricotta lasagna, pasta sauce, butter chicken, beef stew, curry chicken with potato )
In the afternoon, I spoke to Annette (Bethay's godmother) about my condition. She is a mother and a grandmother and she provides me with a lot of good advice during my pregnancy. I am very picky when it comes to taking advice from people during this pregnancy. There are only two people I turn to for advice: my mom and Annette! We spent a far bit of time talking and I felt much better after our conversation. My biggest worry is that the baby will come out before my mom arrives and I will have no idea how to manage. Joe will be taking two weeks off, and Annette and Barry have also offered to help us too. So I think we will be ok! :-)
Wednesday July 22
Joe left for Montreal for meetings for two days (wed & thurs). I stayed home for the day. Between watching 24 Season 5 and doing two loads of laundry, I managed to make more freezer meals! :-)
Mom called around 10am and 10pm to make sure I was doing fine. Joe called around 6pm when he checked into his hotel to make sure I was doing fine.
Thursday July 23
Spent another day cooking freezer meals! I also make honey cake, a recipe I got from my mom. It is my favourite cake!
Friday July 24
Another productive day in cooking freezer meals! I also found out more information on cloth diapering!
Saturday July 25
Baby Shower @ Annette's house from 1pm - 3pm. It was a wondeful afternoon just to chat and open gifts! By the time Joe came and picked me up, our car was packed with gift bags in the backseat!
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Sunday July 26
Based on what we received from the baby shower on saturday, Joe and I took a trip out to Babys'rus to pick up the rest of the stuff we needed. Although my parents are heading up the baby's bedding department, mom asked that we left a few items on the gift registry as dad and mom, being first-time grand parents want to spoil Baby Bethany "just a bit more"! Joe and I have a feeling that Baby Bethany's room will be filled up with all kinds of goodies from Gong Gong and Pao Pao in no time at all!
The guest bedroom is finally painted! Joe was working really hard this weekend to get everything ready, on the assumption that Baby Bethany will come out next week. So now that the room is painted, all we need to do is to re-arrange the furniture in the room, wash all the linens and get ready for my mom to arrive on Aug 5! Less than two weeks to go! YAY!!!! :-)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Week 34 -- Friday July 17, 2009
I woke up at 3am! Yes 3am!!! I have been having a lot of braxton hicks lately and they have been getting pretty strong. Usually, they go away when I switch position (from lying on the right side to lying on the left side, or simply get up a walk around in the room a bit then lay down again!) This morning, I tried everything I could possibily think of and it did not go away.
At 3:20am I finally gave up and got out of the bed, while Joe was snoring away and Bee Bee was happily curled up into a ball and slept right next to Mr. Teddy Bear!
I tip-toed to the basement and logged onto the PC and started reading up on cloth diapers. Joe and I had settled for disposable diapers since the begining, and then one day (about three weeks ago), we went to Chiquita Baby and noticed that they have a one-week cloth diaper trial program and Joe causually mentioned that we should give it a try. Being the queen of research, and with all the extra time in my hands now, I decided to google cloth diaper. Once I got onto the web and started looking, I was overwhelmed by all the choices out there. I suddenly got myself revolved around vocabularies like AIO, pocket diaper, hemp insert, wet bag, diaper pail, chinese prefolds!!!
The reasons why Joe and I want to give cloth diapering a try is:
1. it costs $3000 minimum on disposable diapers from the day the baby is borned until she is borned, whereas it is only $500 for cloth diapers.
2. babies use cloth diapers do not get diaper rash as frequent as those use diaposable diapers
3. environment / landfill issues. Disposable diapers leave behind an average of 2.7 tons of non-biodegradable waste per child. Isn't this scary!
4. potty training is easier and it will come earlier!
We had stocked up on disposable diapers (new born size 1 pack = 40 diapers, and two Costco boxes of Huggins Size 1/2 (227 diapers each). Our plan is to use disposable diapers (new born size) on Baby Bethany until her umbilical cord falls off (two to four weeks after she is borned). We will only use disposables at nights or when we are out and about (a.k.a. well for the first few months, it means doctor's visits only!)
So yesterday, I went and bought 6 Size Small Fuzi Bunz. In the world of new mommies, Fuzi Bunz comes highly recommended.
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I have also signed up for a Cloth Diapering 101 Seminar next Saturday so that both Joe and myself will get familiar with all the things we need to start cloth diapering on Baby Bethany!
Week 34 -- Thursday July 16, 2009
All day today, I felt very agitated! I defintely started to feel very different. I was getting a lot of lower pains / pressure and mild cramping from time to time. It almost feels like the baby is sitting too low that it makes walking difficult. In the mid afternoon, I was very bloated. My fingers looked like sausages and my feet looked just funny. I guess it makes sense for these things to be happening at 35 weeks?
Week 34 - Wednesday July 15, 2009
Today, I decided to make cupcakes. Though cupcakes are so easy to make, I had never made them in my life!
With the baby shower only 1.5 weeks away, I thought it is time to do a trial run. If they don't turn out the way I expected, I could always do a home made cheesecake (secret receipe from my mom, and this receipe will one day pass onto my daugther Bethany!)
Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Cream Cheese Icing
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup buttermilk
preheat over to 375 and line a cupcake tin (a.k.a. muffin pan) with wrappers.
beat butter and sugar together until fluffy (I am so glad that we invested in a Kitchen Aid Standmix last year!). Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well, starting and ending with the dry ingredients.
fill cupcake holders about 2/3 full. Bake for 20-25 mins, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of one comes out clean. Allow to cool before frosting.
6 tbsp unsalted butter
4oz cream cheese
2 cups sugar
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
cream the butter and cream cheese together, then gradually add the sugar and vanilla. Piee onto cooled cupcakes.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Week 34 -- Tuesday July 14, 2009
Yesterday, out of boredom, I made Coconut Bread:
Coconut Bread
Yields 8 to 10 servings
2 large eggs
1 1/4 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups flour, more for dusting pan
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 cup superfine sugar
5 ounces flaked coconut (about 1 1/2 cups)
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
Vegetable oil or nonstick cooking spray
Butter, optional
Confectioners' sugar, optional.
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk together eggs, milk and vanilla.
2. In a medium bowl, sift together 2 1/2 cups flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Add sugar and coconut, and stir to mix. Make a well in the center, and pour in egg mixture. Gradually mix with dry ingredients, until just combined. Add melted butter, and stir until smooth. Do not overmix.
3. Oil and flour an 8 1/2-by-4-inch loaf pan. Pour batter into pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean, 1 to 1 1/4 hours. Cool in pan 5 minutes, remove bread from pan, and finish cooling on a rack.
4. To serve, cut into 8 to 10 thick slices. If desired, toast lightly, spread with butter, and dust lightly with confectioners' sugar.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Week 34 -- Monday July 13, 2009
6 more weeks to go!
First day of vacation (or I should say, first day of rest, per doctor's order!)! I was not excited or happy at all. Afterall, it is not really vacation. It is a time for me to relax, put my feet up and keeping my fingers crossed that the irritable headache will vanish!
Woke up at 5:30am with a bad headache. It is one of those headaches that makes you feel that the room is spinning. After Joe left for work, I got up, jumped into the shower and then spent two hours on www.lelecheleaguecanada.com to get more information on breastfeeding. After that, I came to the conclusion that the main floor needed a clean sweep and a quick mop! Gosh, a household chore as easy as sweeping and mopping sent me to the road of huffing and puffing, and not to mention the backpain. Good thing is, at least the floor is clean! Our housecleaner is not coming till the end of the week and I simply can't stand dusty hardwood floor!
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Thursday, July 9, 2009
Week 33 -- July 6 - 12, 2009
Monday July 6
We had a pretty productive weekend! The nursery is 95% finished. Joe painted the nursery on Saturday, and set up the crib, the change table and the 6 cube console saturday night. By Sunday morning, the room looked amazing! What's left is the wall decals and mom's handmade window coverings!
I was so tempted to post a few pictures of the nursery... but I would like to wait till it is 100% done before posting any pictures. So, for now... how the room looks will be a mystery! :-)
Tuesday July 7
We went to the prenatal information session at Civic Hospital. It was an informative session! I pre-registered a few weeks ago and got myself a semi private room! Pre-registration means all my personal information and insurance info has been entered in the system. When it is "time", I simply need to go straight to L&D floor (4th floor) without stopping at the admitting department and fill out a bunch of forms. Imagine, a laboured woman in pain, with water gushing out and fill out tons of forms -- definitely not a pleasant scene!
The nurse who lead the info session went through the items to be brought to the hospital. I got the list all done up and I will start packing my hosptial bag (well more of a mini suitcase) this weekend! While I am typing this... I have just realized that I also need to put together a simple (no longer than two pages per the hospital) birth plan. Hmmm... I need to give some thoughts in this. But I am sure it will be a simple one! EPIDURAL, LOTS OF EPIDURALS and KEEP THEM COMING! :-)
On our way home, Joe and I talked about visitors at the hospital. Although it is a nice gesture that relatives and friends might want to drop by and say their first hello to Baby Bethany, we are only limiting visitations at the hospital to immediate family members (i.e. my mom and Joe) and close friends (i.e. baby's godparents). As for visits at home, I do not think I will be up for entertaining any guests for the first few months. My mom will be staying with us to help me for the first two months. My dad will be flying in from Vancouver once the baby is born, and my sister will probably be coming in the fall. I imagine our house will be pretty packed from late August till late October. So for now, we have decided that visits are fine (as everyone is so eager to meet the newest family member) but visits should not be longer than an hour (as both mom and baby need their beauty sleep!), and we will not entertain the idea of having any overnight guests for the first few months. Being first time parents, the first few months will just be our family bonding time! (family means the baby, Joe and myself!)
Wednesday July 8
Pre-natal appointment. The baby is head down (which is good!) and her heart rate is 130. My blood pressure is 110/60, which is perfect. When I causally mentioned a lingering headache to my doctor, I saw a slight alarming look on her face. She then asked me a few questions about this headache.
Doctor: How long has this headache been going on?
Me: Hmm, two weeks.
Doctor: Do you have it everyday?
Me: Hmm, pretty much!
Doctor: Are you taking any pain medication?
Me: No. I want to fight it off without any medication.
Doctor: Do you feel dizzy or nauseous when you have the headache?
Me: Sometimes... but I thought it is normal no?
Doctor: Ok, let's check your BP. (30 seconds later) your BP is fine 110/60. Are you still working?
Me: Yes, I am on reduced work-hour schedule, 5 hours per day until I go on maternity leave.
Doctor: Do you think you can stop working completely now?
Me: (Speechless then extremely shocked!) WHAT????? and WHY???????
Doctor: I am concerned about your headache and I can't explain why you have the headache. I am afraid that this headache will elevate your BP and since you are so far along in this pregnancy, it can be dangerous. Is work stressing you out?
Me: (Almost had tears in my eyes) Well, though I am working 5 hours per day, but all I have been doing is cramping a 9-hr work day into a 5-hr work day. Last monday, I had one staff on vacation, and the other one did not show up at work. I managed to cover the work for this staff and then complete all my usual my tasks in 5 hours. It was hard, and half way through, I had really bad chest pain and I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Doctor: Ok you need to stop work NOW and take it easy.
Me: No! My mom is not coming till Aug 5 and what am I supposed to do at home from now till she comes? How about I take a week vacation starting next monday and see if the headahce goes away by the end of next week?
Doctor: (long sigh) Ok, we will give this a try! But you are coming back to see me on July 20 and if you still have your headache by then, I am pulling your off work. Gosh, you like to bargin!
When I walked out of the doctor's office with a note in my hand, I was scared. Absolutely terrified! I thought my pregnancy had been very smooth other than the little episode in late February (Due to Joe's family drama, I thought I had a miscarriage at that time and I was scared to death.) I only have less than 7 weeks to go. I thought having headaches are normal and it will soon go away. When I went back to the office, I told Joe the conversation I had with the doctor. He was concerned as well. So, I am off next week (vacation? well I won't say it is vacation!), just to take it easy, lots of bed rest, and absolutely no running errands (strict doctor's order!). I guess I will finish the baby blanket, read a few books and update my blog more often, and of course, bake some cupcakes! :-)
Thursday July 9
Woke up this morning still with a headache, but not as bad as yesterday! Ok, I was pretty stressed out yesterday and I guess that's why the headache was still here when I woke up.
I did manage to get a good night sleep though. It is getting very uncomfortable to sleep at night. The swelling fingers in the middle of the nights does not really help much. I know this sounds strange. I could feel the joints in the fingers pulling tight after dinner every night, but the pain does not hit till the middle of the night. Often times, when I wake up in the morning, the swelling is gone and the pain is gone too! One of these nights, I will take a picture of my swollen fingers (of course, only if I can hold onto the camera with my sausage fingers!) and post a picture on my blog just to prove a point!
Joe and I have been looking for a contractor to build the deck for us. Joe's dad originally planned to come for a week in mid July to help us with the deck and fix the hair-line crack in the foundation on the side of the house. We found out two weeks ago (Joe called his dad about permit application and his dad told him then that he decided not to come. We were glad that we had not bought all the wood yet or it would have been funny as we can't return the wood to Home Depot!). We have always wanted a deck and now is the perfect time to have the deck built before the baby arrives. We do not want any construction in the house or in the backyard after the baby arrives (with the noise and the dust, just not an ideal living condition for a baby!). I have been reasearching for contractors in our area to see if we can get someone to build the deck for us. I found one last night and Joe put a call to him tonight just before dinner to find out how much he would charge for his labour. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will have the deck as planned, before the baby arrives in late August.
Belly Picture Week 33
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Friday July 10
Last day of work before my one week so called "vactation". Woke up this morning with a mild headache. Went straight home (without running any errands after work). Ended up watching one episode of The O.C. and then napping on the couch with little pooch Bee Bee for 2.5 hours. Lately, I have noticed that I sleep better on the couch in the afternoon than in my our big comfry bed at night.
Joe and I went out for dinner tonight. We ventured out to Indian food. We went to Little India Cafe on Carling Ave. www.littleindiacafe.com The restaurant is small but the food was great.
Saturday July 11
I hate rainy saturdays! Today was one of those days that I hate soooo much! It rained almost all days. By raining, I meant down-pouring! Joe and stayed in for most part of the day. In the afternoon, we went to Canadian Tire to pick out paint color for the guest bedroom. Mom is coming in less than a month and we want to give the guest bedroom a fresh coat of paint! After that, we went to Thyme Maternity to pick up a few nursing tops so that I could finish packing my hospital bag.
So I have put together my checklist for the hospital bag:
For me (a.k.a. Mom)
Nursing bra
Nipple cream
Breast pads
Nursing pillow
Sanitary pads
Non slip socks (I guess my feet will get cold when I am in active labour?)
Lip balm
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, body lotion, hand cream, shower cap, shampoo & conditioner)
Non slip slipper (I am packing my Crocs for sure!)
Clothes to wear home
Comfry pillow (but not in a white pillowcase)
Books / Magzines to read
MP3 player
DVD player
Snacks and drinks
Rolling pin for pain relief during labour (when I told Joe about this, he shook his head and laughed!)
For baby
baby's going home outfit (matching hat, socks and mittens)
receiving blanket
soother (I am not planning to use the soother until breastfeeing routine is established. )
infant carseat
diaper (hospital will provide diapers during the stay at the hospital)
For Dad
Pillow / Sleeping bag (if Joe is staying overnight at the hosptial... well he'd better not leave me alone with the baby the first night!)
Change of clothes
Books / Magazine / I-pod etc
Contact List (who to call after the baby is born!)
Ok, the checklist of the hospital bag is done. Next I will need to put all these items in my bag (or a mini suitcase). Next task on the to-do list, finalize the baby's gift registry as the baby shower is only two weeks away!
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Sunday July 12
Joe and I went to church this morning. After church, we had brunch @ Denny's. Afer that, we went to Babies'R'Us to update the Baby Registry. So now the registry is all updated and accurate. With the baby shower being only two weeks away, I was so relieved when it was done!
This afternoon we are going to OPP Kanata for carseat inspection provided by www.seatsforkidscanada.com. Joe installed the carseat last night and we got Mr. Teddy Bear (a teddy bear I have had since 2001 and for some mysterious reasons, Mr. Teddy Bear and Joe do not really get along and I always suspect that Joe has some sort of hatred feelings towards Mr. Teddy Bear!) strapped down to the carseat to get ourselves familarized with all those 5 point harness seatbelt system!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Week 32 -- June 29 - July 5, 2009
Only 7.5 weeks to go!!! Countdown has begun!
Joe and I are soooo looking forward for my mom to arrive on Aug 5!!!! I sooooooo miss my mom! :-)
Last week, Joe and I went to Sears and pick up the Graco SR 32 Infant Carseat!
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Joe and I did quite some research on infant carseats. After spending an hour at Kiddytown looking at strollers and carseat, we found out that Graco's SR32 holds the largest weight capacity for an infant carseat. The "32" means this carseat can accomodate an infant who is either 32 lbs or 32 inches long!
Monday June 29
One of my staff is on vacation this week, and one other staff was stranded in NYC. To top it off, my boss is off on vacation too! So my department is three people short and I somehow had to find ways to cramp all the tasks into a 5-hour day! Gosh, I am super-fast and efficient in what I do, but still, doing two people's work in 5 hours? I must be insane! By mid morning, I had really bad heartburn, my palms were sweating and mild chestpain. I am sure my heartrate must be rising too! Gosh.... I managed to finish all the tasks but one by the time I left. When I got home, I skipped lunch and went straight to bed! What a day!
Tuesday June 30
Joe and I went and picked up a change table tonight! The baby's room now has a convertible crib, a dresser, a change table and a 9-cube console bookcase. The only thing that we have decided not to have is a glider and an ottoman as we have a nice cozy chair in our room, which is only across from the baby's room!
Wednesday July 1
Happy Canada Day!